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Gimbal connection

Mar 25, 2016
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Connected my computer to the H and opened up the GUI.
Not showing?????

The COM connection showed on screen but no H ... hmmmm
Check out that there is a good connection at the H end and the foot slips off the edge of the desk, not far before I caught it BUT enough to tap the camera.

Bloody 'ell!!! Also enough to breakaway the connection of the gimbal to the bird.

Moment of panic and then I remembered seeing something on CarolinaDronz.
Frank to the rescue once more.
Have ordered a replacement for the camera side of the gimbal ... who knew they were available?

Ordered similar for my Q, which has been sitting idle since I had the camera falloff for the same reason ... a broken gimbal connecting slide ... woohoo!!!

Here are the details from Frank's website ....

"Hands up if you have crashed your Typhoon H at least once! Ok so I bet you raised your hand, cause why else are you here.
Anyway this little spare is great for two reasons.
1) If you have come down hard or just been unlucky and swiped a tree and then crashed the fact that the H has retractable legs means that you probably had your legs up in the air and your bits are hanging low, just waiting for something to hit it. ( Well you get the idea) That camera and Gimbal are just hanging there all exposed, commando like, and when you come down, they are going to get hurt. Yuneec have made failure points all over H. Now I don't mean this in a bad way, but in a good way. Look, lets face it do you want to be buying a new Gimbal assembly at $599 or a $13 part? I know what I prefer.
So in this case you have the top of the Gimbal that slides and mats onto the Gimbal Connection Board (Yuneec Typhoon H Gimbal Connection Board)
These both have a very thin plastic edge that slides together to attach the camera/Gimbal to the underside of the H.
If they had a setup like the Phantom then you are in a for a world of hurt if you crash onto the camera, as it is not a removable unit.
On the H, on impact this part can fail and hopefully the camera will come clean off and be ok.
If not then you will also need the little pins that go through the dampness, that this comes with as more than likely they will have sheered off
This is a must have spare"
Best lessons I've ever learned were the ones that cost me the most in one aspect or another;)

Sadly, oh so true.

A certain Douglas Norman Adams once said that humans, being one of the most intelligent life forms on the planet, still refuse to learn from the experience of others ... or words to that effect ... and I, for one, belligerently adhere to that premise regardless of good intentions to divest myself of such an habit sigh.

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