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Gimbal Tilt (Velocity) strange behaviour

As soon as I have a while I try again, really that mode of operation didn't make much sense to me anymore than looking up. Maybe when I put him down in that way, he's doing the same thing to me as he did to you.

A smooth movement of the gymbal is essential to make good shots and not that fence too fast or beating.

I say something when I try again.
@Bob520 I'm afraid that still doesn't make sense.

I appreciate with Velocity mode one can access the upper vertical angles not available in Angle mode, but the movement and reason you explain, etc doesn't stack up as it exhibits the effect at any point of the camera position (say, around 45 degrees, etc).

Also, that means every owner would be experiencing this, and yet @arruntus suggests he 'fixed' his suggesting his doesn't do this.

And even if it were only to access the upper percent of (negative) vertical camera angle, the behaviour still doesn't make sense within that range of motion.

This still feels like a 'bug' and not something designed deliberately, as:
  • it is counter intuitive
  • it is not consistent across range of motion (even within the upper percent)
  • it would be present on all H520 instances
  • it would be a waste of a valuable camera operation, as Angle mode doesn't allow smooth control of 'rate' of movement (which is the very definition of Velocity)

But maybe the above is actually true and not enough people have properly tested the camera to experience it. I don't know.

I really don't mean to sound rude, Bob, it just doesn't make sense to me.

It could be fixed by simply having the upward movement work the same way as the downward movement. Which would make sense.

To be fair, I'm also just a bit frustrated with the relatively poor software / experience of such an expensive piece of kit, and so little official support from Yuneec, etc.
Have you referenced the manual? It states the S1 switch in the down position is to access the 20° up angle. It does not state that the camera will be controllable in the S1 down position.
I always set the speed slider to minimum when recording. I don't know if it will affect the speed of the gymbal as well. But I feel it soft when I make camera movements, I do them by moving the control slowly.
Have you referenced the manual? It states the S1 switch in the down position is to access the 20° up angle. It does not state that the camera will be controllable in the S1 down position.
@Bob520 yes, I read that.

I think with having the 3-position switch, if anyone from Yuneec reads these threads, the best thing to do would be have it work as follows:
S1 fully up: Angle mode between 0 - 90° using slider to set angle (as current)
S1 mid point: Angle mode between -20 - 90° using slider to set angle (just an extended range on the same slider movement range)
S1 fully down: Velocity mode working as anyone who has used similar would expect it to work, which is moving the camera in a direction and at a rate proportional to the slider movement from a neutral middle position

We have a 3 position switch, and we would then have 2 modes of operation, but with both modes capable of utilising the full range of the camera.

Seems infinitely more logical than what is programmed currently.

If anyone knows anyone at Yuneec feel free to share.

@Haydn @arruntus you guys have got lots of experience on the H520 now, what do you think?
I find the tilt action very hit and miss.
I find it hard to get a smooth action.
I agree that it needs some attention to sort it out.
And I think that mine does the same motion as you say. But as Bob points out it is actually doing what it is programmed to do.
It was marketed as being fully programmable. And I'm waiting for this to transpire so that we can change this if we want to. A simple turn in expos again and it could be sorted out for the individual.
A check box saying once you enter these settings you are releasing Yuneec of any responsibility for the wrong settings and either bricking or crashing the drone would suffice.

For the average Joe they would not necessarily change any of these settings. But for those who are wanting to it is more likely they know what they are doing and are willing to take that risk upon themselves to get the desired result.
It is essential that the gymbal moves smoothly and without rebounds. Otherwise taking a shot of the camera moving makes them all useless.

I'm really still trying to make sense of the three modes it have. Maybe I don't understand. But I don't like them the way they are. To get a smooth motion you have to be more attentive to the slider than to check where the H520 is located or what you are actually recording what is a problem. Can you get it? Yes, but it takes too much effort and I think it could be improved. If the shot involves an oblique displacement forget about it, you lack hands and fingers. I've been looking and the S1 Down in principle all it does is look up. The moves that I thought were a problem are probably in all the gimbal. Not that it's wrong. It's another thing if it only serves that purpose.

A system that offers configuration possibilities so that users can configure it to their liking seems to me fundamental, essential. Then an option to return to the default parameters and that's it. A really powerful system is one that gives possibilities and does not force the user to use it only and exclusively in one way, of course without compromising safety.

@journeyman please put the request for change in the thread that Bob created, in which he is anchored,"Ask what you want to see with the 520". I don't think that's a bad idea. In that thread I believe that there is a greater chance that the petition will be visible.
Thanks for the feedback guys.
I'll stop putting more stuff in this thread as I think we've established it works 'as intended' but there's a desire from some of us to have the way it works reviewed, and offer possible config options.
Thanks again to everyone.
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