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Got my replacement ST16 Pro in today...

Sep 13, 2018
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And it's defective. I charged it for several hours, and later noticed that there was no charge indicator on the screen. I turned it on and the blue light came on, it beeped once and then nothing. No fan, no display, nothing. It only makes sound when I push the directional pad buttons. Tried all of the usual suspects with no results. This H920+ kit has been a POS from day one. Really regretting this purchase and deeply disappointed with the QC at Yuneec.
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I have been watching this forum for weeks, due to using up all may patience with DJI, Their support sux, their equipment, unbeatable. I don't make that statement, lightly..
I have been looking for replacements for all of my flying cameras, in an attempt to leave DJI in the rear view mirror. I really would LOVE to forget them.

Having said that, and moving Yuneec, ANYTHING, Typhoon, Tornado, to the consideration level for purchase to replace a Mavic Pro, Phantom 4 pro V2.0. as it is time to move up.
Due diligence. Extensive.
No alternative, that makes sense, either technically, or monetarily.

Some of the biggest kudos go to posters on this web site, is to someone who flew a Yuneec product more than just a few 100 meters from takeoff points without crashing or falling from the sky.

No bickering, though, as on other websites, everyone seems to be in the "group hug" mode as if comforting each other and assuring themselves that they bought the right model. A lot better and friendlier, for sure.

No comfort, for what I was looking for, hoping to find the middle ground between happy customer support consumers and technically capable flying camera platforms.

Final judgement: The old "cake and eat it, too" concept, you just can't do it in the DJI HUGELY dominated UAV market. They lead the market for a good reason. It sure as **** is not customer service.
Yuneec, I thought last year was showing promise to compete, but it seems to be going nowhere fast, stumble and struggle to keep up. Release a new and improved "pro plus" with nothing more than new problems along with some they did not fix in the last version. Learning all this, just reading what people on this forum write about.

True diehards for the Yuneec products exist in good numbers. Good enough, I hope to support Yuneec until they reach the DJI technical level. I am interested in Yuneec, just not convinced that I can as a photographer in my business, support them at this time.
I have been watching this forum for weeks, due to using up all may patience with DJI, Their support sux, their equipment, unbeatable. I don't make that statement, lightly..
I have been looking for replacements for all of my flying cameras, in an attempt to leave DJI in the rear view mirror. I really would LOVE to forget them.

Having said that, and moving Yuneec, ANYTHING, Typhoon, Tornado, to the consideration level for purchase to replace a Mavic Pro, Phantom 4 pro V2.0. as it is time to move up.
Due diligence. Extensive.
No alternative, that makes sense, either technically, or monetarily.

Some of the biggest kudos go to posters on this web site, is to someone who flew a Yuneec product more than just a few 100 meters from takeoff points without crashing or falling from the sky.

No bickering, though, as on other websites, everyone seems to be in the "group hug" mode as if comforting each other and assuring themselves that they bought the right model. A lot better and friendlier, for sure.

No comfort, for what I was looking for, hoping to find the middle ground between happy customer support consumers and technically capable flying camera platforms.

Final judgement: The old "cake and eat it, too" concept, you just can't do it in the DJI HUGELY dominated UAV market. They lead the market for a good reason. It sure as **** is not customer service.
Yuneec, I thought last year was showing promise to compete, but it seems to be going nowhere fast, stumble and struggle to keep up. Release a new and improved "pro plus" with nothing more than new problems along with some they did not fix in the last version. Learning all this, just reading what people on this forum write about.

True diehards for the Yuneec products exist in good numbers. Good enough, I hope to support Yuneec until they reach the DJI technical level. I am interested in Yuneec, just not convinced that I can as a photographer in my business, support them at this time.

I have been a big fan of the brand: I own two Typhoon Quads, Two Typhoon H Hex's and this is now my second H920 kit - and this kit has been rubbish in too many ways. I have had overall good service with the brand and still recommend them to others with inevitably ask questions, but now I have to rethink that. It seems that both DJI and Yuneec are growing too fast to keep themselves in check (Wells Fargo, Volkswagen). My Yuneec equipment has worked so well up to this point that it has paid for itself so I am operating a business at neat zero overhead - BUT... I need my equipment to work there is an evident lack in testing, monitoring and quality control. I will give Yuneec a chance to correct the issue, but they had better be quick about it.
Have you tried swapping batteries between ST-16’s to see what happens with the charging circuit? Another option is to try a different USB cable. I’ve found that USB cables can be a significant problem. Some work, some don’t. One other option is to unplug the ST-16 battery for a few minutes, re-connect, and try charging again. Also use a volt meter to check the voltage of the new ST-16 battery. It could have left Yuneec almost dead, in which case it won’t accept a charge.
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I switched the battery with the one in my H model and it did the same thing. I tried the supplied usb cable and he one I use to charge my H, same results.
And it's defective. I charged it for several hours, and later noticed that there was no charge indicator on the screen. I turned it on and the blue light came on, it beeped once and then nothing. No fan, no display, nothing. It only makes sound when I push the directional pad buttons. Tried all of the usual suspects with no results. This H920+ kit has been a POS from day one. Really regretting this purchase and deeply disappointed with the QC at Yuneec.
I bought a new 920+ from a certified (I checked with Yuneec) seller on Ebay and the controller was defective. The seller was willing to send me a new controller and/or new system. I declined and sent it all back.

I used one of my 480 controllers and the system showed 2 drones (920) to select. An older version and a newer version. Once it was connected the camera controls fired up the unit and other various issues. The 920 on first connect fired up by itself and gave me a racing stripe on my underwear. QC didn't appear to be a major concern on that upgraded unit!
And furthermore... Yuneec's customer service chat has been out of service every time I have tried to use it since Monday, and their reps always refer me to the chat even after I tell them it is not working. D'oh!
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