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Guide to Analyzing Breeze Cam FlightLogs - Your Data is Needed

Some thoughts on flight log files: one way that seems to work to get the log files off my Android phone w/o clipping is to zip the 'BreezeCamLog' folder on the phone, then xfer that zipped file to your PC via whatever (usb, bt, google drive...). You can unzip on your PC and should have all the logs complete. To zip on Android, start the My Files app, nav to Device Storage, tap & hold the BreezeCamLog folder to select (green check), tap the '3-spot' menu upper right and select Zip. That will create zip copy of the folder as is. You can then xfer to a PC & unzip. You open the log files into Excel using comma delimiting and should see all log entries in the matrix with top row header descriptions in place. Yell if you want an xls (excel) copy of an example log to look at and I'll stick one up here.

Sorry if someone already mentioned this on another thread...
Some thoughts on flight log files: one way that seems to work to get the log files off my Android phone w/o clipping is to zip the 'BreezeCamLog' folder on the phone, then xfer that zipped file to your PC via whatever (usb, bt, google drive...). You can unzip on your PC and should have all the logs complete. To zip on Android, start the My Files app, nav to Device Storage, tap & hold the BreezeCamLog folder to select (green check), tap the '3-spot' menu upper right and select Zip. That will create zip copy of the folder as is. You can then xfer to a PC & unzip. You open the log files into Excel using comma delimiting and should see all log entries in the matrix with top row header descriptions in place. Yell if you want an xls (excel) copy of an example log to look at and I'll stick one up here.

Sorry if someone already mentioned this on another thread...

Thanks for the pointer, sounds like a great way to do this without using extra software/apps.

Now use a program like Q500log2kml by h-elsner at Meine private Homepage - Programmierung, Kopter, Bilder in his downloads section for getting more out of the files. It is a stand-alone program and works great for the Breeze and several other Yuneec aircraft. Best of all is it is free to use. Be sure to use a fresh copy from your Android device as Excel tags the file and renders it useless in Q500log2kml.
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I just caught your tip on Mr. Elsner's decoder app. It works great, and having the battery status graphed along with altitude is really smart. I can see difference in battery performance, another good thing to keep track of. What a great tool!

I updated my controller yesterday and today when i went to fly my breeze it took off like a bat out of **** and started to circle the back yard, it went about 100ft and crashed into a tree and broke an arm off of the fuselage. I tried to send in my flight log and kept getting an anomally message. So frusterated!! Anyhow I managed to glue it back on and tried to fly it and it kept doing the same thing even when I used my phone to fly instead of the controller. I don't know if i want to buy another one and use this one for parts, or just buy something else like a parrot bee bop.
did you ever find a fix for that condition? same as 2 of my Breeze drone the second was right out of the box
did you ever find a fix for that condition? same as 2 of my Breeze drone the second was right out of the box

The major cause for flyaways like this is failure to do a proper compass calibration away from objects and electronics that effect the magnetic field. The other is flying around large metal objects or power lines.

I have some trouble with stability in my yard in Michigan. It is long and narrow with the power line about 10 feet south of my driveway and large pine trees on the side with the power lines and huge silver maples on the opposite side of the yard and overhanging the yard. I have to keep a close eye on the Breeze as the weak and reflected GPS signals play havoc with the stabilization.

If you live in an area with small residential yards, you need to take your Breeze to a large open field to calibrate the compass. You only have to do this once as long as you fly within 50 miles of your calibration site.
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I'd really like to study my breeze flightlog data more especially after a crash like I had, I was just hovering (about 3 ft) at take off when it started spinning like the third step in calibration. I tried to rename my file to the .txt extension but it didn't work. It renamed it with .txt.log and tried to put it into a OpenOffice spreadsheet, but it just looked like a text file like the original file. Could someone help me with renaming my file so I can upload it to an OpenOffice spreadsheet? Thanks.
Rename it to *.csv. Select comma as data separator. That should do the job.

But if you want to do analysis in an easy way, use Q500log2kml. There you have more possibilities to check it.
But in this case the files must have the original file name and have to be all in the same directory. Open the directory (not the file) in the tool.

Windows64bit: http://h-elsner.mooo.com/downloads/q500log2kml_en.zip
LINUX 64bit: http://h-elsner.mooo.com/downloads/q500log2kml_en.tar.gz

User manual: http://h-elsner.mooo.com/pdf/Q500log2kml_en.pdf

br HE
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So my file name right now is 1632695669264.log Would it then be 1632695669264.csv.log I'm not that good with file extensions. Thanks for your help. I'm going to download the other software, but would like to get this going first.
What OS do you use? Windows? Not the best one...
The filename should be: 1632695669264.csv when you want to open by double click.

But it should be possible to open any file with OpenOffice, no matter what the name or extension is. There should be an option *.* for any files to load.

br HE
I am using windows 10. I was just trying to import my file to a spreadsheet to make it easier
I am using Windows10. I was just trying to import my file into a spreadsheet to make it easier to read. I am going to download the other software and work with that. I'm sure I'll have questions after that. Thanks for your replies.
I am using Windows10. I was just trying to import my file into a spreadsheet to make it easier to read. I am going to download the other software and work with that. I'm sure I'll have questions after that. Thanks for your replies.
When you first try to run the Q500log2kml.exe you will get a warning that it may be hazardous. You can safely allow it to run. I have used this program since early 2018 with zero concerns. It will display the information in the log files in a more readable format than in a spreadsheet.
Wow I downloaded the q500 software and it worked flawlessly. I need to read the manual and see what all the data I'm looking at means. I'm liking this. Thanks Just looked at some of the data from the last 55 seconds of my last flight that suddenly started spinning in place and I saw that it was trying to do a self landing (16), Motors 1 and 4 were off (6) and low voltage warning 1 & 2 motor failsafe mode (7). I think that tells me why it crashed. This is great stuff.
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