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H plus photo from Iceland...camera is fantastic


I believe the same image management exists in the H520.

I, too, hope there is or will be user configurable options to let us choose how “normal” people like to group their images.

Separate folders for each mission I can live with. Still a pain, but can work around it.

Having duplicate image names is inconceivable!

Imagine the rework, renaming hundreds or thousands of images from a multi-battery mission, before even thinking of trying to create a mosaic let alone anything simple like a slide show!

The options need to be something like:

1) single folder by date - sequential image numbering (master reset by user)

2) single folder by mission - sequential image numbering (master reset by user only)

3) single folder by battery - sequential numbering...

I prefer option 1. Everything in one folder. We have it now in the H480, but only if we remember to leave the last image on the card (do not delete all!). I can easily sort and group by date/time et al.

If someone wants to start fresh (image 0001) every time, it should not be too difficult to click a “reset counter” button in the cam settings. A lot less difficult than renaming hundreds of images before grouping together from multiple folders.

Just one of the head scratchers as in “what were they thinking?”


And just think, what happens if we inadvertently copy images from each separate folder into a master folder, not realizing we are overwriting most everything, then format the source card before realizing what we did? Would not be good in ANY situation, let alone after non-repeatable mission.
H520 does not do that, at least mine just adds to the last one, no new folders.
Here is a solution I use for duplicate file names. It is a Bulk Renaming Utility, has lot of options. I use it and it works great. You would be able to go into each folder and rename them all to your project or customer name, keeping the sequence number if you chose to. You can get a free version, which I use, or pay for a commercial version. The free does everything you need it to.

Introduction - Bulk Rename Utility
As cards size files based upon their formatting, I’m curious if the exFAT format used in Win10 will alter the folder time limit as the format allows options for increasing file sizing.
Part of the joy of exFAT is it is compatible with Macs, too.
Here is a solution I use for duplicate file names. It is a Bulk Renaming Utility, has lot of options. I use it and it works great. You would be able to go into each folder and rename them all to your project or customer name, keeping the sequence number if you chose to. You can get a free version, which I use, or pay for a commercial version. The free does everything you need it to.

Introduction - Bulk Rename Utility
+1 for BRU. Don't be intimidated by the UI - it's ugly but actually pretty straightforward. Youtube has tutorials.
Ed (may I call you Ed?),

May I ask what camera you are using and the version of your firmware?

I am using an E50. Firmware is current as of May 2018. Not aware of any newer updates.


I have the E90 camera and the latest firmware on the bird and the controller.
the only issue I have is that it does not put in the correct date, it is always year 2000, I can live with that it is minor.
Otherwise I am very satisfied with this drone. This is my fifth drone.
If you use a Mac highlight images to be renamed then control click and choose "Rename" you will get a dialog box asking what you want to add to the existing name I just add a letter at the end.
All highlighted images will have this change applied automatically.

I believe the same image management exists in the H520.

I, too, hope there is or will be user configurable options to let us choose how “normal” people like to group their images.

Separate folders for each mission I can live with. Still a pain, but can work around it.

Having duplicate image names is inconceivable!

Imagine the rework, renaming hundreds or thousands of images from a multi-battery mission, before even thinking of trying to create a mosaic let alone anything simple like a slide show!

The options need to be something like:

1) single folder by date - sequential image numbering (master reset by user)

2) single folder by mission - sequential image numbering (master reset by user only)

3) single folder by battery - sequential numbering...

I prefer option 1. Everything in one folder. We have it now in the H480, but only if we remember to leave the last image on the card (do not delete all!). I can easily sort and group by date/time et al.

If someone wants to start fresh (image 0001) every time, it should not be too difficult to click a “reset counter” button in the cam settings. A lot less difficult than renaming hundreds of images before grouping together from multiple folders.

Just one of the head scratchers as in “what were they thinking?”


And just think, what happens if we inadvertently copy images from each separate folder into a master folder, not realizing we are overwriting most everything, then format the source card before realizing what we did? Would not be good in ANY situation, let alone after non-repeatable mission.

Worked with the H Plus last week and had the same situation, Fortunately we kept a log of each pass. Shot 4K and encoded to 1080p. Also flew the DJI4+ for part of the job. 1 folder! The H+ c23 camera beats the DJI hands down but what a pain in the butt to work with the multiple folders and same file names. Had to bring in the multiple folders for the edit and renumber them. At least the folders are numbered differently but I had 50 files total. Love the H over the DJI, Your option #1 would be ideal. Hopefully people will let Yuneec know this is bogus!
Is 100MB/s write speed comfortably enough (for H+ maxed out)? Prices seem to go up exponentially for anything faster.
100MB/s is quite a robust file. I shoot a lot of 4K with my handheld Sony rigs. Usually at 60MB/s although 100MB/s is available. Most production companies I shoot for ask me to use 60MB/s in 4k to keep the file size down. The higher the bit rate the more color information for post but unless you are shooting a **** movie rather than corporate video it is actually overkill!
Worked with the H Plus last week and had the same situation, Fortunately we kept a log of each pass. Shot 4K and encoded to 1080p. Also flew the DJI4+ for part of the job. 1 folder! The H+ c23 camera beats the DJI hands down but what a pain in the butt to work with the multiple folders and same file names. Had to bring in the multiple folders for the edit and renumber them. At least the folders are numbered differently but I had 50 files total. Love the H over the DJI, Your option #1 would be ideal. Hopefully people will let Yuneec know this is bogus!

Did you encounter this issue? The first shots I did with the c23 generated really off time stamps. The second and third battery folder videos where time accurate. For sure the naming by “session” - every time you start - with an 0001 label could be trouble if you don’t make new names for your media. For that reason, I think I’ll always fix a format per battery run and not jump from 1080 to 4K during a shot yet.

Also, is it my imagination or does the image get wider at the highest resolution? I can’t get the color choices to change also and seems to always default to gorgeous. I’ve not updated anything as I don’t see H plus support or firmware on Yuneec site at all. For those here with more flight time what did you do?
I can’t get the color choices to change also and seems to always default to gorgeous. I’ve not updated anything as I don’t see H plus support or firmware on Yuneec site at all. For those here with more flight time what did you do?
to change the color mode in video, you have to do it when you are in photo mode
Did you encounter this issue? The first shots I did with the c23 generated really off time stamps. The second and third battery folder videos where time accurate. For sure the naming by “session” - every time you start - with an 0001 label could be trouble if you don’t make new names for your media. For that reason, I think I’ll always fix a format per battery run and not jump from 1080 to 4K during a shot yet.

Also, is it my imagination or does the image get wider at the highest resolution? I can’t get the color choices to change also and seems to always default to gorgeous. I’ve not updated anything as I don’t see H plus support or firmware on Yuneec site at all. For those here with more flight time what did you do?
Time stamps accuracy I have not paid attention to other than to notice that they display in the proper order of being shot...that's all I need when editing. Regarding updates it is now done completely differently. Are you getting the "UpGrade Reminder" every time you boot up? With the sorts of problems you're having regarding no color choices except "gorgeous" it sounds like you are not at most current version or you have corrupted firmware. This however brings me to another point I've brought up several times with the updating process automated you no longer (at lest I've not found out how) to reinstall firmware updates in the case of corruption etc.

OK Back to the different method of updating firmware than from the H. For H+ you have to touch the gear icon upper far right on the controller window? After doing that tap three dot icon on the upper far right look at firmware version it should be 1.0.08 directly below that is the CHECK FOR UPDATES, click on that and see if it tells you you're using most current...if it not it will automatically download and install updates with very good graphic telling you progress of both download and updating...it's completely automated so you don't have to do anything but be patient. IMPORTANT NOTE BROUGHT UP BY OTHERS The update must be done via your home internet network it seems so you have to go into Android and choose your home network prior to trying to update. Please PM me and we can chat over phone if you've got any questions.
Sorry to hear of your various problems I hope this helps in some small way.
Ok...thanks. That’s helpful. Can’t wait to see the differences.
If updates now have to be performed OTA, Yuneec would have effectively removed themselves from being used in government infrastructure work. There would need to be absolute proof that no data was being exchanged with the manufacturer, and could not be exchanged. Unfortunately, if update notifications occur it would prove data was being exchanged.

A question; As the H Plus is not deemed a commercial or enterprise product I presume it’s afflicted with NFZ restrictions. Has Yuneec elected to provide unrestricted software for the Plus? If yes, great, if not it’s dead in the water for commercial operators.
A question; As the H Plus is not deemed a commercial or enterprise product I presume it’s afflicted with NFZ restrictions. Has Yuneec elected to provide unrestricted software for the Plus? If yes, great, if not it’s dead in the water for commercial operators.
Yuneec Europe replied me that it was impossible to remove the NFZ.
I am pro and declared DGAC (French FAA) and I could do it on the H with a license key.
Our French importer is fighting to change things.
Looks like Yuneec is discovering the world of video professionals he's boasting about. No GPS is an unpardonable mistake, a lack of unacceptable tracking, I lost an important order because of this.
IMPORTANT NOTE BROUGHT UP BY OTHERS The update must be done via your home internet network it seems so you have to go into Android and choose your home network prior to trying to update. .
The update can be done via any internet connected WiFi network seen by ST16S/H+. Generally, it is NOT necessary to go into Android to connect to the network. The available SSIDs are displayed within the ST interface and connection is established by entering the necessary password information. This process worked correctly for me. For some reason @Ty Pilot had difficulty connecting and was able to connect by going into the Android interface. Going into the Android interface is a fall-back approach, not the normally recommended approach.
It did not successfully get the available network to connect at first. When I touched my home SSID, the android screen came up but it was very difficult to tell I was entering password as it’s hidden by drone app menu. I did expect some kind of graphic post download showing it loading updates into camera and drone but it appears there is not a camera update to get. Regardless, it says I have current software now. I still get the dialogue box on boot telling me to check. Pressing confirm just clears it out.
I tried more than ten times through the flight app - no joy. But after @Barton suggested going in from the Pad (exit Flight App) , I got logged on first try, when I opened the flight app back up, I then went into the settings menu again, and tapping "Check for updates" immediately connected and started the down load. It down loads all firmware, Europe included. The Remote firm ware was the largest part at 363 MBs.

Ahh crap. With that Yuneec breeched their EULA and proclamation of no data collection. What are they thinking?
The weasel word in the assurance below is unauthorised. Presumably it leaves Yuneec at liberty to authorise anyone, including themselves.

Yuneec data security promise.png

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