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H520 E50 ND Filters


Premium Pilot
Oct 27, 2017
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Has anybody been able to find ND Filters for the E50?
Thanks bud. Saw those but not high enough min 8 or 16
I've had a tough time finding ND16+ for the E50. I found these for the E90. Ordered them out of Hong Kong. Freewell is the name of the company and they seem to be of solid quality.

I have the E90 but because of its shocking ability to take a photo I have ordered an E50 to tide me over until a fix comes the disastrous E90. I also have filters for the E90.
Like you I am struggling to find even an 8 let alone a 16,32
I’ve a feeling I’m going to get a 30mm ring buy some other sizes of Nd filter and cut them down to fit the 30mm ring
Due to the weather etc I haven't been able to get out with the H520 and E90 yet - whats the issues around the E90 camera please?
It captures Raw just fine so JPEG has to be software, not sure on the glass for the curvature though, maybe someone who has used an earlier f/w version than the latest could say whether it was present then
The DNG files are clear but new post editing to straighten the horizon and curvature on the opposite at the bottom. Way far to time consuming. Jpgs my old Nokia 3310 could do a better job and that didn’t even have a camera.
It’s software not the glass.
The previous firmware before 1.2.0 did not have the jpg issues.
I am trying to get answers out of Yuneec UK as to whether I can downgrade back to previous firmware without bricking the 520.
They have not got back to me yet as it appears Yuneec Germany are not quick at replying to emails or whether they know if this can be done. Urgency is not high on the list it would seem.

Now as for the ND Filters for the E50 I have found a solution.
I have a photographic company here in the uk making me a 30mm to 40.5 mm step ring. This way I can use the E90 Filters I have for the E50.
Neat idea eh?
However counter balancing with blue tack and. 20 pence piece will need to be done.
Not ideal but a way around the issue without spending a fortune on new filters.
I am trying to get answers out of Yuneec UK as to whether I can downgrade back to previous firmware without bricking the 520.
They have not got back to me yet as it appears Yuneec Germany are not quick at replying to emails or whether they know if this can be done. Urgency is not high on the list it would seem.
Can you post when you get an answer please, I would be keen to know if a downgrade would get us closer to a working E90
I am in the States and i can not find those 4K series ND filters anywhere, if anyone on this side of the Pond could lead me in the right direction it would be deeply appreciated. Needed for my H+(C23/E90)
After a load of research, scouring the depths of the internet and chatting with Yuneec, I bought these for the E90. Excellent quality and do not require any counterbalance but do require the adapter ring. Also, it should be noted that I had to send my camera back to Yuneec as although the threads were stated to be identical, they weren't. Customer service was up to its usual awesome efficiency and once returned, no bother at all.

AndyDXPS sent a link for Amazon but its across the Pond. Excuse my lack of knowledge but is the shipping and handling to costly to send them to South Carolina CONUS ,cause we cant seem to get them here Stateside ?

Gobe ship to the US?
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