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H520 e90 camera get in death spin

Aug 24, 2021
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Does anyone can help me with my e90.
When starting up everything works fine but after 5-10 minutes the gimball starts turning around hes axis spontaneously and cannot be stop any more by he remote control. Switching of the drone / camera and restart gives me another 5-10 minutes without issues.

Thanks in advance.
The first thought would be the gimbal board in the rear arm is overheating. The area is not well ventilated and has no fan.
Overheating is sometimes caused by resistance to movement caused by mechanical issues. It can also be caused if the camera does not naturally balance level and centered to the front when not powered on.
And, of course, the gimbal board itself or possibly the sensors/ribbons/connectors may be degrading.
Had the same problem. The IMU of the camera was exchanged in service. Then it was good again.
Greetings from Germany

Dieter, thanks for your reply, that looks exactly the same as my problem.
I will send the camera in for service.

Best regards, Harry
I have the same issue when I fly close to certain antennas on cell towers which is caused by interference. Luckily it only seems to causes issues with 5Ghz
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Hi @iammrb it happens all the time, so I bought a new E90, no more issues now.
The old one I keep as spare and send in for repair.

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