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Had a error

May 10, 2017
Reaction score
Was out flying into my 2nd battery more my own fault following some guys round on their dirt bikes now in this field is power wires I was not near them but then drone would not decend just kept flying then the calibration warnings hit rth but never made it opened up uav toolbox battery was at 15.2 but I will put it down to the field see never flown their before I have contacted yuneec UK to see if I can get a price to fix PXL_20210415_150635623.jpegPXL_20210415_150659673.jpegPXL_20210415_150655879.jpegPXL_20210415_150630173.jpegPXL_20210415_150641134.jpeg
Yea mine aswell but I suppose we know the dangers and I was on my way back to land aswell but again thought would have been ok If stayed as far as I could from the lines but just hope yuneec are reasonable and altho out of warranty I hope they don't say anything about my gps mod camera is ok just top plate PXL_20210415_153324809.jpeg
Well going to package up the H to be sent back to yuneec UK as here is their email reply

Thank you for your E-mail. Looking at the pictures it might be best to send the machine into us for a quote due to some of the arms being quite badly torn away from the machine I would just need to check if the main frame has suffered any damage, if this is the case it may deem the unit uneconomical to repair. Do you have any damage to the camera? The address to send to is below and please include a covering letter with your contact and return address details
Perhaps cheaper to pick up a used one and part out the damaged one? Sorry for your loss.
I had thought about that idea but think I will just pay it the yuneec rep guy says he will give me a call on Tuesday that way I can have a few days to think about it which I thought was good of him but think I will just go ahead and get it repaired yes I know it's a lot of cash but at least I know it as had it from new
Perhaps cheaper to pick up a used one and part out the damaged one? Sorry for your loss.

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