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Has anyone received their Part 107 Certificate?

Nov 14, 2015
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I passed the 107 exam on September 19th. I printed the temporary certificate but have not received the actual certificate by mail.....
I passed the 107 exam on September 19th. I printed the temporary certificate but have not received the actual certificate by mail.....
Up to 120 days, and FAA is always toward the final days on things! Next year January 2017 most likely, if not before
What? mule snot I say! Im going to put my temp in the washer and shrink it down so it fits in my wallet! So, um, there!!
You just keep it folded in your backpack/case! You need to get out and get it first ! HeeeHeee! You will! Did you call PSI to set up for $10 off?
I have the temp one but not the real one yet. They are way behind from what I understand talking to the guys at the FSDO office when I turned in my paperwork
What did you use as a study guide? I know you posted this but didn't bookmark it.
I bought remotepilot101.com - Jasons course and I used that with the Airmans Knowledge testing supplement and the
FAA-Pdf remote pilot small aircraft systems guide FFA-G-8082-22
It took 2 days for me to be able to complete my application, and it now says I will receive my temp license in 7 days -- So I'm gonna fly and not worry about it :) They have my monies and I have my test paper LOL
It took 2 days for me to be able to complete my application, and it now says I will receive my temp license in 7 days -- So I'm gonna fly and not worry about it :) They have my monies and I have my test paper LOL
Check the IACRA web site. You can print your certificate from there after they get a TSA clearance.

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