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Ideal Weather?

Mar 22, 2020
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Anyone ever fly in, or attempted to fly in a light drizzel/Rain? It's dreary grey and light sprinkle here today. being stuck at home, I would like to attempt this, but Feedback from the seasoned pros here would be highly appreciated.
Yes, I have flown in many types of bad weather but mostly while it's snowing. The camera is somewhat protected under the body and the prop wash tends to keep water away from the cam, but if the lens gets wet the pics and video are useless. I've used electronic silicone spray (it must say leaves no residue) to spray inside the motors, inside the camera and inside the H where possible. It helps repel water. If the screen on the ST16 gets wet the touchscreen will not work. So keeping the screen dry is important. But the GPS antenna on the ST16, which is just below the screen, must be able to see the sky. A clear plastic umbrella may help.
I use this on the camera lens:
ok, good... thank you. I planed to remove the camera anyways. so no worries there. i completly forgot about controller screen, good tip. Hey! how did you know my wife's umbrella was clear? lol thanks for the link.
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Just remember nothing in our multirotors is waterproof. Flying is “wet” weather always carries the risk of disaster. You have to be able to accept that risk
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