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Is it just me or am I not understanding something?

Apr 20, 2016
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Gateway to Cape Cod
So, all of us active on this board just spend $1300 for camera that flies. It comes with a cardboard box to carry it around in. The Q500 4K (for $400 - $500 less) came with a decent carry case. Albeit you cant take it on a plane but at least its not a cardboard box.
The camera, for some, has a few chinks that need to be worked out.
The lens is just ok, and to improve it we should spend another $140. Again, the Q500 4K lens presents a flat aspect right out of the box (for considerably less money).
Extra batteries? Nope.
Ability to use a fast charger.....go mod the one that came with the $1300 system.

I dont understand why Yuneec decided to go with a new camera when the existing one works fine. Why change the battery connection configuration away from an industry standard to something proprietary. I would have still paid them my $1300 if those two things weren't changed.

Having a Q500 4K, I can make these comparisons.
I can also make a few arguments on the other side of the coin.

The Q500 4k begins to struggle in winds over 10mph, the "H" can easily take on 25mph winds
the Q500 4k loses a prop or motor, forget it, its all over. The "H" can survive short one means of propulsion.

Are those two things worth $500? To me, yeah, kinda.

These are the things that I have noticed with my experience.

I just kind of scratch my head and wonder sometimes.
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Do you think we'll ever be told their reasoning?
I'd hate to think it was a cynical money making exercise.
I understand the batteries would be different as its 6 vs 4 blades etc, but the camera seems crazy
It's about what the market will pay. The pre-order showed them the level of interest and they may adjust the price accordingly.

Also remember you are getting the extra modes like CCC, orbit and "selfie" that the Q does not have. (Not sure they can be added to the Q either due to processing power)
Hmmm.......some short memories here methinks. As I recall 18 months ago the original Q500 with a CGO2 was $1400 including 2 batteries and a cardboard box. Then the Q500+ with a CGO2+ with a hardboard case was $1400. Then the Q500 4K with a hardboard case was $1400. When the H was announced the prices started dropping on the Q. So far I find the CGO3+ to be a better camera. Overall, the technology has seriously improved. Even the basic Obstacle Avoidance is a big step, folding landing gear, 30 - 43 mph speed, no wind yaw, 360 degree camera rotation, altitude correction in follow-me, team mode for dual operators, a 7" monitor and web enabled controller, longer distance, new modes with POI, CCC, etc., and customer service that actually answers the phone. When Yuneec entered the market they changed the dynamics of the industry. Look at all the start-ups that failed after a few months. The Lily was supposed to be over $1000. It still hasn't made it to market and it's obsolete now. Sooo......I still see the H as a huge value and a fine machine despite some of the issues.
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I dont have any memories as I came to the game when the Q500 4K became available for $999.99 with two batteries and an aluminum case.
I believe the "H" is a class unto itself and as such is hard to compare apples to apples with the Q500 4K. Like i said in my original post, I would have still paid the $1300 even if they kept the CGO3 camera. I dont see anything wrong with the CGO3 camera I have on my Q.
I've always know the Q500 4K to have an "aluminum" case although I think that claim is a bit exaggerated. Even so it sure is better than lugging around an unwieldy cardboard case.
The speed increase I havent found a need for yet, other than being able to handle stronger winds which I like a lot here on the east coast where just about every day is a windy day.

I know Yuneec's customer service, when it comes to an owner having problems, is excellent because I've dealt with them in that capacity. Their CS is the main reason I chose Yuneec over DJI

I was very interested in the "Byrd" as well as the Bebop 2 and I have no regrets with my choice. Luckily, I havent had any of the issues that many here on this forum have had and probably would have returned the unit for a refund if I had.

It just seems like we have bought into a rushed to market, unfinished, untested product for a premium price point.
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Mortalis, I agree. I think we tend to overlook how quickly this hobby is changing. If the H had come to market 18 months earlier it would have been around $3000. The technology is changing so fast that when a product finally gets to production, new tech is already developed. The time required for testing prototypes is probably down to a month. Who knows? The pressure to put the product out the door is huge and a lot of that pressure is from us, the consumers. I don't think Yuneec products are untested, I think they are less than perfectly tested. Guess I've had far fewer problems than my first Windows 3.0 computer that cost $2500 in 1990.
I get the feeling you may (possibly) be expecting a bit too much from the H. After all, we are all 'Beta Testers' for a brand new product. Apart from the 'Two-Week-Yuneec' sketch, I think they did a Great job with the H. - Just wait till the Typhoon H v2 comes out - when all of these minor 'Bugs' will (most likely) be gone and there will be a load of new features. Having previously owned a Phantom, I think that the H is WAY superior. I do at least 4 flights a day with my H, and love it. By comparison, I was scared to fly my Phantom, even though it was supposed to be a 'tried and tested' product, it still had a lot more problems than my H......Speaking of 'Bugs' - I had a Real Life Bug crawling around on the inside of my ST16 Screen, he must have come all the way from China. Not seen him lately, I guess he died..........
Proprietary Battery Connector is just a function of making you HAVE TO BUY a battery from Yuneec. As others have shown by making custom connectors there is no reason to have gone with special connector. And I'll bet there is a patent or something like that associated with it. So that should some company should try to make an alternative battery with the same connector they'll be sued...
Proprietary Battery Connector is just a function of making you HAVE TO BUY a battery from Yuneec. As others have shown by making custom connectors there is no reason to have gone with special connector. And I'll bet there is a patent or something like that associated with it. So that should some company should try to make an alternative battery with the same connector they'll be sued...
Precisely. They can only sell so many "H" units. At a reduced profit margin, and make their operating costs on the replacement parts and batteries. That is how the system has evolved.
So, all of us active on this board just spend $1300 for camera that flies. It comes with a cardboard box to carry it around in. The Q500 4K (for $400 - $500 less) came with a decent carry case. Albeit you cant take it on a plane but at least its not a cardboard box.
The camera, for some, has a few chinks that need to be worked out.
The lens is just ok, and to improve it we should spend another $140. Again, the Q500 4K lens presents a flat aspect right out of the box (for considerably less money).
Extra batteries? Nope.
Ability to use a fast charger.....go mod the one that came with the $1300 system.

I dont understand why Yuneec decided to go with a new camera when the existing one works fine. Why change the battery connection configuration away from an industry standard to something proprietary. I would have still paid them my $1300 if those two things weren't changed.

Having a Q500 4K, I can make these comparisons.
I can also make a few arguments on the other side of the coin.

The Q500 4k begins to struggle in winds over 10mph, the "H" can easily take on 25mph winds
the Q500 4k loses a prop or motor, forget it, its all over. The "H" can survive short one means of propulsion.

Are those two things worth $500? To me, yeah, kinda.

These are the things that I have noticed with my experience.

I just kind of scratch my head and wonder sometimes.

Well the Q came with battery charging adapters for those that already have their own charger , you know, from being in the hobby awhile.

Now, the H doesnt come with one, new battery cost 130. Same nanotech 4s 5.8a cost 30 bucks.

Bottom line is what it's comw down to.

At least the battery ain't that smart, and doesn't communicate to the quad like the 3dr or dji quads.

Already made an xt60 connector for my own battery. Works like a charm.

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