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Is there a camera that does Near Infrared?

It certainly would be an experiment... and yes, if you were to try this, the 520 would be the choice to work with... I would only suggest that adding all the factors together... reasonable options for a lower entry level cost, on the dominant airframe... which ensures easier access to both subsequent hardware and software support...

If you are looking to get into NDVI, and do not have an established client base, it is counter-intuitive to be expending effort into trying to make Yuneec's hex shaped peg fit into a square NDVI hole... so to speak, IMHO.
I have the THP new that I can trade up to the H520 for the difference in cost. I can do more with the H520 than the THP so it is not the entry cost as much as having a platform to do the various works. I can start by doing reports with the E90 camera in the VARI algorithm and then in time work into another frame and the NIR camera for the NDVI. At a later time if I find the need I want to add the RTK package to do the more precision measuring and surveying.
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Please keep us updated on how this works... I know of at least a half-dozen members besides myself that have been interested in using this capability with the H/H+ platform.
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I have done quite a few maps using the DD RGB to NDVI feature for a couple of the farms here. Walking the fields after showed that the images were correct. This was about 2-3 years ago and I was using the 3DR solo for the GoPro and Mapir cameras. Using the E90 on the 520 would work the same or better.
Just asking a question for knowledge. In your opinion, the E90 takes enough detailed photo to us in the NDVI algorithm for DD without the use of NIR? I would have to change some of the parameters to meet the specs for the E90 inside DD.
Please keep us updated on how this works... I know of at least a half-dozen members besides myself that have been interested in using this capability with the H/H+ platform.
I feel like the genie pig without all the information. It is also hard to figure it out when other products are pro one producer and not the whole industry. I think I am going to make the trade to the H520 because the E90 still can take the pictures and videos at the same level as the THP and still do other things. Thanks for the time and information will keep you up to date on the experiment.
I must say it is not about a drone or picturing a crop and whatever I write below is coming from my experience with astrophotography and general daylight photography.

All consumer imaging sensors has a filter installed on top of a sensor that is blocking infrared. For some cameras they can be removed by an experienced user, some cameras including DSLR and mirrorless cameras must be send to a special service company that can remove this filter and replace it with just a transparent one. So technically it should be possible to remove such a filter from e50 or e90 but whether it is going to be easy or can be done by a regular person I cannot tell.
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I must say it is not about a drone or picturing a crop and whatever I write below is coming from my experience with astrophotography and general daylight photography.

All consumer imaging sensors has a filter installed on top of a sensor that is blocking infrared. For some cameras they can be removed by an experienced user, some cameras including DSLR and mirrorless cameras must be send to a special service company that can remove this filter and replace it with just a transparent one. So technically it should be possible to remove such a filter from e50 or e90 but whether it is going to be easy or can be done by a regular person I cannot tell.
There was no disrespect meant here. If you have the background or knowledge about what we discussing your opinion and comments are welcome. I am not knowledgable with the camera's capabilities. I understand the NIR colour spectrum. I am new to drones but have a passion that I would like to turn into a profession if possible. Trying to gain information about equipment to use that from the personal side is a fairly large sum of money to start cost. It also seems there is a lot of questions with no direct Yes or No answers if things will work with the Yuneec H520 because products like DroneDeploy and Mapir Camera is geared to DJI. I was not going to try to remove the filter, I was asking if there were other solutions, as in programming or setting changes could give the NIR range. Or what camera by the third party would work? I am doing my research to try to make the best decision with as much information possible. In this forum there is the experience but there is also a lot of unknown information around this subject of the crop reports. I am sure it has been done for many years but on DJI or some other platform.
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What drone are you using for the Mapir and which camera from them? How did you mount the camera if it is not a DJI drone? Also, software to operate the camera on the drone?? Sorry, so many questions.
We have own integration kit for Mair camera with mountage in realsense sensor place. Thats work really god.
We have own integration kit for Mair camera with mountage in realsense sensor place. Thats work really god.
What drone are you flying, and can you send a photo of the mount and tell how you did it. Would appreciate the information. Which one of the Mapir(guessing that is what you meant by Mair) camera.
Just asking a question for knowledge. In your opinion, the E90 takes enough detailed photo to us in the NDVI algorithm for DD without the use of NIR? I would have to change some of the parameters to meet the specs for the E90 inside DD.

I feel like the genie pig without all the information. It is also hard to figure it out when other products are pro one producer and not the whole industry. I think I am going to make the trade to the H520 because the E90 still can take the pictures and videos at the same level as the THP and still do other things. Thanks for the time and information will keep you up to date on the experiment.
Yes, the E90 is certainly a better camera than what I was using the VARI algorithm on. It should give great results.
This is a pretty good white paper on the differences between NDVI, VARI, and TGI... conclusion is that VARI and TGI do not work as general crop health indicators in the way that NDVI does. I am sure there is a ton of additional information out there comparing the three; just remember that VARI and TGI are not the same as NDVI and don't sell them as such!

We have tested and proven h520 integration kit for Micasense multispectral cameras ie. Sequoia. About software you could check UgCS, it's working. I can help if you need further assistance.

edit - btw. some examples:
  • index maps on our WeMapo platform (Ogar Mk2 - h520 similar + sequoia or tetracam + ugcs -> Agisoft -> WeMapo):
  • ugcs demo with our drone:
You can switch/change transparency of layers to see more different maps:
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There was no disrespect meant here. If you have the background or knowledge about what we discussing your opinion and comments are welcome.

I have made the disclaimer because it is only about why regular photography sensors cannot capture infrared. Unfortunately I have no idea what and how cameras designed for agriculture work and what wavelength they need to capture. It is very possible that they do it in a specific way and removing a stock infrared blocking filter from a sensor of e50 or e90 will actually work for crop analysing.

I can only explain if anybody interested why it is better to remove it for astrophotography.
Actually this site explains it for DSLR and astrophotography.

If you click on the "Before modification" image located at the top you will see that it brings extra data that cannot be captured with a stock IR blocking filter installed in DSLR cameras.
removing a stock infrared blocking filter from a sensor of e50 or e90 will actually work for crop analysing.
Unfortunately not for accurate results. From our experience with agriculture and photogrammetry clients and partners it follows that you need dedicated sensor for this application as well as making appropriate calibration on the field (very easy now). Removing optics from RGB camera can make nice picture showing something more than rgb photo but for plants index calculation (like TRUE NDVI) it is useless.
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Unfortunately not for accurate results. From our experience with agriculture and photogrammetry clients and partners it follows that you need dedicated sensor for this application as well as making appropriate calibration on the field (very easy now). Removing optics from RGB camera can make nice picture showing something more than rgb photo but for plants index calculation (like TRUE NDVI) it is useless.

I totally agree, before, when multispectral cameras were so expensive, it was still allowed, but today I don't know if there will be any agronomist who accepts it. In fact, even if you have a multispectral camera, if you don't give absolute values it will also make you look bad. To do this must use a calibration target, the same to all the successive sampling.
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We have tested and proven h520 integration kit for Micasense multispectral cameras ie. Sequoia. About software you could check UgCS, it's working. I can help if you need further assistance.

edit - btw. some examples:
  • index maps on our WeMapo platform (Ogar Mk2 - h520 similar + sequoia or tetracam + ugcs -> Agisoft -> WeMapo):
  • ugcs demo with our drone:
You can switch/change transparency of layers to see more different maps:
View attachment 14941
Where do you find the H520 integration kit?
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If you're looking for multispectral and not simply converting a single lens from CGO3 with a IR / NIR, your best option is one of several Multispectal cameras that includes an RGB (5th lens) as well. With analysis software & reporting, you'll need to provide actual images overlaid or on same report to provide the data needed.

If the products that support DJI platform don't settle with you, look at other specialized platforms. One being a moderate priced, Parrot Bluegrass full package including Pix4Fields software.

This totoal package integration is helpful with for learning, and obtaining support as you continue to define your ideal setup.

Plus you can easily adopt additional NDVI SW, or move the Parrot Sequoia multispectral camera to alternate platform. Actually you can mount the Parrot Sequoia on the belly of the H520 and mount the light sensor on top and fly the Ag Field with any Map software desired and continue using the CGO3 or E90 as your standard Nav Camera connected to ST16.

Revisiting DJI, the above scenario is basically what is performed on DJI too. You can use DD, UgCS, or dozens of great mapping/Ag/Terrain specific Apps with a multispectral mounted to the belly performing a separate collection.
DJI does not provide their own Multispectral camera... yet, nor focused Ag Terrain app.

If you're wanting to avoid purchasing additional platform, then look into the Parrot Sequoia Multispectral camera... it's offered in several other "Brand" labels or similar models by Ag focused Products. Check out Sentera or MicaSense RedEdge too.

I personally like the Parrot Bluegrass complete package... the hardware and Pix4Field is useable on other platforms but for starters it puts it all on 1 support team.

That all said, I too looked at modifying several CGO3 cameras, gave that up quickly as I discovered more withn the Ag desired requirements. And... you can mount a Multispectral & light sensor on any platform including the H520 easily.
I had thought that was the kind of investment I had seen... but you have to pay a certain level to do that kind of specialized work. It demonstrates a level of professional commitment, in order to get those kinds of jobs... besides in a warming, drying climate it's not like this is going to be a growing sub-specialty in the next 20 years or so... ?

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