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Is your Controller FCC compliant?

Well, no. The FPV deal is they are using devices that are designed and transmitting on ham radio frequncies. The antenna has nothing to do with it.

Wait???? Hold up, so I’m fine using my 4Hawks antenna? I want to be compliant.
The antenna and the frequency have nothing to do with each other relative to FCC rules.
Part 15.203 and 15.204 make no mention of frequency. They apply only to swapping antennas on Part 15 certified devices.

Most FPV equipment requires a ham license because it is not FCC certified. This article does a good job of explaining it:

What You Should Know about Getting an FCC License for Flying FPV - Tested.com

Now, here's a rub. You could, in theory, swap antennas on your ST-16S and use it legally if you are a ham. At that point it is no longer being operated as a Part 15 certified device and having a ham radio license allows you to replace things like antennas as long as you remain compliant with things like maximum power, etc.
What gets me, is when folks claims that they have worked in construction, SARS, and or even inspection work and the cries VLOS!
What gets me, is when folks claims that they have worked in construction, SARS, and or even inspection work and the cries VLOS!

BTW - what kind of flying you do has no bearing on the FCC rules. FAA has control over that. And given that some people are joyfully proud of ignoring those rules as well I understand why the FCC rules are seen as nothing more than a nuisance.
Clinical anal retention syndrome!
(Dear Murray: I am just responding in a formal, none threatening way)

Ah. Sort of like the Denial of Reality and Rejection of Authority syndrome that drives some people to ignore federal regulations.

I keep having to make the same point because you are apparently dead set on wanting to imagine that the FCC rules do not apply. Why not apply the same (lack) of logic to the FAA regulations? Oh wait, never mind.
Kind of like it is a federal crime to grow, possess, sell and use marijuana without a medical prescription, but states are passing laws that allow for recreational use of the substance. Always thought federal law took precedence over state and local laws.

I personally do my best to stay compliant with the law even if I find some of them bowing to corporate pressure above the good of all.
Kind of like it is a federal crime to grow, possess, sell and use marijuana without a medical prescription,

Actually medical marijuana is not legal on the federal level yet. This is the conundrum states are creating by legalizing it within their states.

but states are passing laws that allow for recreational use of the substance. Always thought federal law took precedence over state and local laws.

I live in one of those states. In fact, I live in Humboldt County where 60% of the pot sold in the US is farmed. Lots of turmoil here now. Prices are crashing, those who are trying to go legal are being bankrupted by trying to comply with all the provisions required to do so.

I personally do my best to stay compliant with the law even if I find some of them bowing to corporate pressure above the good of all.

Me too. And I am not trying to force anyone to do anything. I am mainly trying to pass along information that at least allows people to make informed decisions on what they want to do.
Once the federal prohibitions get lifted the banking industry can get involved. When the happens, Big Pot will be the biggest thing since the Dutch East Indies Company in the 16th/17th century. I’ll be shifting significant funds into a portfolio built around it. Have cash, ready to invest.
It’s already happening in Michigan where they just passed making it legal for recreational use also. Now it won’t just be drunks on the road, but the potheads also, and the ones that do both.

Real medicinal use is not a problem in my opinion, but just like any other substance refrain from driving while under the influence.
That is in line with the fact that range extenders which are clearly sold with the intention of allowing BVLOS operation are commonly sold despite the fact that all hobby pilots and most Part 107 (US Commercial) pilots are prohibited from flying BVLOS.
Wow that is a big assumption that they are clearly sold to break the law . You MUST BEE an FAA troll .

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