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Just arrived and already drunk

Dec 22, 2018
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Yest I talk about the camera Leica under the H3, not about me.
Yesterday we received our first H3 's in Belgium. Every drone is tested before use and that's what I did today, when starting RC I started the drone and what happen ? The camera start dancing, shaking and beeping.
Look at the video the last 10 seconds will show you , the content before might explain .
Connections ok, no flight data because no take of. Start up procedure was ok. SD card ok and I tried 3,different brands.
That's sad, on what should of been an exciting day, all I can say is go through everything again to make sure nothing's missed, but that gimbal probably means back to Yuneec. Let's hope that's a one off, and not the norm.
From the video does it always shake when your rotate the camera to that certain point, or does it wobble no matter where after a certain amount of time?
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Can't get video to play?


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When the H and even the Plus came out, initial problems were resolved with immediate replacement, even cross-shipping before receiving the bad unit back. My first CGO3+ had an update go badly and I received the replacement NIB OEM camera 5 days later. Of course that was back in Oct 2016 when Yuneec's CS was a significant reason to go with the H platform.

Will be watching to see what the response time is, in these initial cases... 2 weeks? 2 months?
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Sorry to hear and see this. Very, very disappointing. If it were mine, it’d go straight back to the place I bought it from, for an immediate replacement or refund. I wouldn’t deal with any “repairs” at all.
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The problems with (some) gimbals on the C23's seem to have been carried forward into the H3/L1 unfortunately. If it were me I would NOT mess with it but rather take it straight back for a replacement or return. It is sad to see this.
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Is this another inferior product Yuneec is putting out again? Just imagine having to return it to have it repaired, and six months later you're still waiting.
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It's a brand new drone why should he have to inspect connections? All of which does not make sense, because, if the connections where bad, first the camera would not take photos, start video, and rotate left and right.

Its speaks to the downward spiral of Yuneec in its product inspect process, moreover, not even the nightmarish repair wait and lack of communication he is about to experience with both trying to get the drone repaired/replaced.
It was a suggestion that a contact might of been misaligned on the gimbal plate, which has been remedied before by sliding the camera off and on again, some have saved themselves a lot of trouble and time rather than sending it back. Another possibility was maybe something wasn't set up right, remember this is a copter and may have slightly different setup procedures, and since only a handful of people have one, current knowledge of the other Yuneec products may not cover it.
It was a suggestion that a contact might of been misaligned on the gimbal plate, which has been remedied before by sliding the camera off and on again, some have saved themselves a lot of trouble and time rather than sending it back. Another possibility was maybe something wasn't set up right, remember this is a copter and may have slightly different setup procedures, and since only a handful of people have one, current knowledge of the other Yuneec products may not cover it.
Oh my, giving Yuneec the benefit of the doubt? How noble though art...
Appears that Yuneec has gone down the toilet...
What a shame
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Been thinking about the gimbal jitter issue with the Plus and 520 for some time and this H3 event just reminded me. I wonder if the issue may be one of “hysteresis” caused by use of under spec’ed or defective components? If so, firmware will never fix it.

If drive motors are working to stabilize weight in excess of their capacity this jittering or shaking is what could be expected. The problem was not present with H-480 cameras but became evident after introducing heavier cameras for the 520 and Plus. If the same motors and sensors were employed in “repackaged” heavier cameras any variation in component performance could be more than the system can offset. This incident looks like it lost it’s zero reference.

In any case, the EU has much more comprehensive consumer rights. Send it back.
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The problems with (some) gimbals on the C23's seem to have been carried forward into the H3/L1 unfortunately. If it were me I would NOT mess with it but rather take it straight back for a replacement or return. It is sad to see this.
My H plus did the same thing . I called Yuneec and they had me Send it to Vertigo Drones.four and a half weeks later it’s on it’s way back but haven’t been told the problem yet.hats off to vertigo drones for getting on it so quick.

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