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Mantis G - phone app and cable to connect phone to the remote control

Nov 27, 2019
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Hi all,
First flight with our new Mantis G was yesterday. I have a couple questions.

First thing is, the box said that the Mantis G was made specifically for iphones, but also states that the pilot app is compatible with android version 5.0 or later. My husband has a Samsung Galaxy S10 and the Yuneec Pilot App is not in his Google Play store. I have an iphone 11 promax, and found the app just fine in the App store. Has anyone else had this problem, and did you happen to find the right app in the play store?

Second thing is that the drone did not come with the cable to plug a phone into the controller. I have my charging cables for both our phones, and I tried my phone plugged into the usb port on the controller, and the joysticks worked to start the drone, but when it was in the air, they did not steer it, had to use the controls on the phone screen.

Also, it keeps saying something about magnetic fields and the compass not working properly or something. And the RTH did not work as I thought it should have. It was about 10 ft away from the spot it took off from when it landed. And it shot straight up in the air first, before coming down and moving away from me, which is not what I wanted.

Does anyone know if there is a user manual available from anywhere, beside the quick start guide? We are new to this drone stuff, and would like to know more about features and functions, but can't seem to find anything. Like the slide switch on the front right bottom of the controller with an "s" in a circle, not sure what that does.

Anyway, thanks in advance for any help and/or advice.
I bought the same drone yesterday to film some of my daughter's wedding and was unable to get the drone off the ground myself because we could not get that app from the play store ( because there was no app) although my other daughter's iPhone was able to get it no problem.
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This is the second time in a week that the Yuneec Pilot app has gone missing on the Play Store. Not sure what is going on with Google and Yuneec.

Look for the Yuneec Pilot app at apkpure. There is a link to it in post #2 in this thread Yuneec Mantis Pilot app
Here is the Mantis Q User Manual which is similar enough to the G. Major difference is the camera gimbal.


  • Mantis Q_USER MANUAL_V1.0_20180921.pdf
    2.1 MB · Views: 17
  • Like
Reactions: sbezoneill2013
Thank you Don, and so sorry to hear about your troubles, especially at your daughter's wedding.

DoomMeister, thank you! I actually found apkpure yesterday while on my computer, and then was second guessing if this is what we would need for the Samsung. I will have my husband get it.

Thank you both :)
Thank you very much! I was actually on that page yesterday looking for a manual and didn't even see the link for the android app. We will give it a try.
The app was not there yesterday. I went there after seeing the app missing from Play Store.
That link above was not for the app. It was an html file. Why is this so hard
If you look at the date for the link you refer to you will see that it was well over a year ago. Yuneec has dropped download support for its legacy products of which the Mantis series is a part of. A search on the forum for Yuneec downloads would have taken you to the Yuneec Skins downloads site Yuneec Downloads that is a collaborative effort to keep those files available to customers of legacy products.

This link Android App should take you right to the Yuneec Pilot apk for your Android phone/tablet.
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