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Motors wont stop when button is pushed

Apr 18, 2017
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I had a problem twice now where the motors wont stop when the kill button was pushed.

I think I know why but want to see if anyone else is having a similar situation. First off, this has never happened during normal operation. I am having the dreaded toilet bowl problem that seems to be all to common. I have a new GPS module on the way that hopefully solves that problem. I fly 99% of the time in team mode. I pilot the H and my business partner is on a 2nd ST16 doing the filming. On our last flight the H started to toilet bowl (circling around in about a 6 foot circle} so I informed my partner that I was coming down and he should be ready to hand catch it. I lowered the H to appx 7' and it was still moving somewhat on its own. My partner reached up and grabbed the landing gear like we have done many times and I pushed the button to kill the motors and nothing happened. We both remained calm and I walked over to him and removed the battery carefully to shut it down.

I think whats happening is due to the toilet bowling when he grabs the H the craft is still moving so the computer sees this and is trying to correct the movement therefore not letting the motors to be killed. We hand catch the H every time and the only time we have had a problem is when the flight was cut short due to the toilet bowl.

Anyone else ever had this problem or have any other ideas as to why I cant kill the motors?
Have you tried to disable gps when it TBs?

I only learned recently that you could do that while in flight so the answer is no, I have not tried that. Im hoping the new GPS module will solve the TB problem but will try that if it happens again.
If you press and hold down the button for 5 seconds or so the H won't care where it is. The motors stop.
If you press and hold down the button for 5 seconds or so the H won't care where it is. The motors stop.

Im fairly certain I held the button longer than that but I could be wrong. The first time it happened I held it for a few seconds a few times and nothing happened.
As I think about it more, on a successful flight I hold the button for appx 2 seconds for the motors to stop. On these 2 flights that I had the problem on I held the button way longer than a normal flight. I would say at least 3-4 times longer than normal flight so Id guess ot was 8-9 secs before I gave up and pulled the battery.
What happens if your partner with the other -16 holds down the button?

Thats a good question that I didnt think of. It would be impossible for him to do (he has both hands on the H) but I could push the button. I hope I never have to do it but I will try that if it happens again.

That brings up another situation now that I think about it. Every time we fly, the 2 radios switch their duties. I'll try to explain it this way. On flight 1 i'll be using radio "x" and he will be on radio "z". After a successful flight we land, discuss the flight and change the H battery. On the 2nd flight we power the 2 radios up and wait until they are fully booted up. Then we power the h and let everything bind and complete its initialization. On this flight, for some reason the 2 radios switch and the radio I was using now has control of the "Z: functions and his has control of the "x" functions of the previous flight. We simply exchange radios and the flight usually goes as planned (except for the TB flights). I just assumed this was normal but maybe something else is wrong?
What can you say about the compass calibration? Getting any yellow flashes from the TH rear light?
What can you say about the compass calibration? Getting any yellow flashes from the TH rear light?

Did compass cal successfully. Itll fly fine for a few flights then start doing the TB about mid pack. The lights are normal on takeoff but start flashing yellow when it starts the TB.
The few times I had unpleasant situations where I had to kill the motors, the time required to hold the buttons seemed as an eternity (I really thought "what the ****.. the motors aren't shutting down!), reviewing the telemetry data I checked and literally takes 3 to 4 seconds to stop every time.

However I've never used team mode, so it would be very interesting to determine if it's something that can happen un this cases.

As I think about it more, on a successful flight I hold the button for appx 2 seconds for the motors to stop. On these 2 flights that I had the problem on I held the button way longer than a normal flight. I would say at least 3-4 times longer than normal flight so Id guess ot was 8-9 secs before I gave up and pulled the battery.
If you want to upload the telemetry and the Remote telemetry from that flight here I would be glad to compare what is happening between the ST16 and the H. If you upload those 2 files add a .txt to the end of the file name.
My question is - with the radios switching duties, did you perhaps
try EITHER RED START STOP during the hand catch?
Not exactly. Once you bind in team mode the one that was in team stays in team until you take it out of team.

I believe this to be true and our radios remain in the same team setting as the first flight but switch duties on the 2nd flight without us changing any settings on either radio. Then if we have a 3rd flight they will switch again and so on and so on if we fly more batteries.

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