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New FAA UAV Rules Coming

I basically copied the format written in the sticky thread:

March 12, 2017


I am an average citizen whose voice must be heard concerning drones and their place in our State. I strongly and vocally oppose any measures to further curtail my rights to fly a drone safely where I live and travel, and am addressing that issue here.

I AM a drone pilot who observes all current FAA regulations every time I fly. As such, I am a safe, responsible pilot whose “Pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness” includes having ongoing access and the ability to continue to enjoy this avocation/vocation (CHOOSE ONE!) of mine. The freedom which the skies naturally offer me as part of my allodial rights, granted to me at birth, must not be interfered with or disposed of by mere laws written by the hand of man. This natural right was guaranteed to me by a much Higher Power than that.

Drones and drone pilots have become the targets of one of this Nation’s latest witch-burning trends, something that mindlessly occurs in politics when only certain voices are listened to and the concerns of others are summarily dismissed, and when the facts are only partially revealed and the feelings of the people affected take a backseat to even more proposed regulations designed to satisfy a select few, a very un-American political thing to do.

I represent many others who feel the same way - and just as strongly - about this issue as I do. We are currently mobilizing locally and nationally to further our voices and ensure that our will shall be felt in the hallways of our governments, locally, regionally and nationally. In short, WE are the seeds of a grassroots movement ready to become the NRA of drone pilots who share common beliefs and will work hard to present and further our agenda to our government leaders and public entities. We are NOT going to just go away.

The skies above are vast enough to accommodate everyone and their interests, including those held by drone pilots themselves. The current FAA regulations have adequately addressed ALL public concerns that have been expressed related to drone flying; therefore, an additional and cumbersome patchwork quilt of lesser laws haphazardly stitched together across the country is wholly unnecessary, contradictory, unwise, and stifling to the ongoing advancements of “We, The People,” technologically, personally, socially, and even spiritually, too. Do NOT take us down this dead-end road. It did not work with guns, equal rights, or civil liberties, and it will not work here, either.

Moreover, please understand that for every letter you receive from us about this issue, 10 more pilots echo our sentiments and are simply waiting right now in silence. More than 1,000,000 new drones were sold in the United States just this past holiday season alone. The numbers of us are just now being amassed by us as we organize against new drone regulations, but in the end those numbers – and the numbers of our supporters – shall be staggering and impossible to either ignore or squelch. We’re near, we have no fear, and we’re here, here to stay. Therefore, you must deal with us.

Please feel free to contact me personally about this matter. I can be reached at (123) 456-7890. I urge you to take this letter and its message seriously. As a group, we will pursue every opportunity to openly and legally oppose future drone regulations through every act of civil disobedience available to us, as well as doing whatever it takes for us to be heard and listened to. Thank you for your time and attention on this matter that is of great personal importance to me and WILL influence the switches I flip during the next election season. That is a sincere and unequivocal promise.


Joe/Jane Drone Pilot

12345 Main Street

Hometown, ST 00000

That's it. There it is. Please let me know what you think. Thanks for reading this post.
A CALL TO ARMS!! Speak Out NOW on Drone Regulations!!
I basically copied the format written in the sticky thread:

March 12, 2017


I am an average citizen whose voice must be heard concerning drones and their place in our State. I strongly and vocally oppose any measures to further curtail my rights to fly a drone safely where I live and travel, and am addressing that issue here.

I AM a drone pilot who observes all current FAA regulations every time I fly. As such, I am a safe, responsible pilot whose “Pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness” includes having ongoing access and the ability to continue to enjoy this avocation/vocation (CHOOSE ONE!) of mine. The freedom which the skies naturally offer me as part of my allodial rights, granted to me at birth, must not be interfered with or disposed of by mere laws written by the hand of man. This natural right was guaranteed to me by a much Higher Power than that.

Drones and drone pilots have become the targets of one of this Nation’s latest witch-burning trends, something that mindlessly occurs in politics when only certain voices are listened to and the concerns of others are summarily dismissed, and when the facts are only partially revealed and the feelings of the people affected take a backseat to even more proposed regulations designed to satisfy a select few, a very un-American political thing to do.

I represent many others who feel the same way - and just as strongly - about this issue as I do. We are currently mobilizing locally and nationally to further our voices and ensure that our will shall be felt in the hallways of our governments, locally, regionally and nationally. In short, WE are the seeds of a grassroots movement ready to become the NRA of drone pilots who share common beliefs and will work hard to present and further our agenda to our government leaders and public entities. We are NOT going to just go away.

The skies above are vast enough to accommodate everyone and their interests, including those held by drone pilots themselves. The current FAA regulations have adequately addressed ALL public concerns that have been expressed related to drone flying; therefore, an additional and cumbersome patchwork quilt of lesser laws haphazardly stitched together across the country is wholly unnecessary, contradictory, unwise, and stifling to the ongoing advancements of “We, The People,” technologically, personally, socially, and even spiritually, too. Do NOT take us down this dead-end road. It did not work with guns, equal rights, or civil liberties, and it will not work here, either.

Moreover, please understand that for every letter you receive from us about this issue, 10 more pilots echo our sentiments and are simply waiting right now in silence. More than 1,000,000 new drones were sold in the United States just this past holiday season alone. The numbers of us are just now being amassed by us as we organize against new drone regulations, but in the end those numbers – and the numbers of our supporters – shall be staggering and impossible to either ignore or squelch. We’re near, we have no fear, and we’re here, here to stay. Therefore, you must deal with us.

Please feel free to contact me personally about this matter. I can be reached at (123) 456-7890. I urge you to take this letter and its message seriously. As a group, we will pursue every opportunity to openly and legally oppose future drone regulations through every act of civil disobedience available to us, as well as doing whatever it takes for us to be heard and listened to. Thank you for your time and attention on this matter that is of great personal importance to me and WILL influence the switches I flip during the next election season. That is a sincere and unequivocal promise.


Joe/Jane Drone Pilot

12345 Main Street

Hometown, ST 00000

That's it. There it is. Please let me know what you think. Thanks for reading this post.
A CALL TO ARMS!! Speak Out NOW on Drone Regulations!!
This is not a disrespect of your call to arms. I strongly believe that what I'm going to say is not a conspiracy theory.

We as a nation of people have lost the ability to affect those that govern us. The only thing talking presently is those businesses that have more money than god like Google, Amazon etcetera.

The other faction is the dicks in DC. They are consumed with power, control and mula. I don't think there's any way to to derail this speeding train that I consider to be the present day gov't.

Our only option is to take out the present day gov't and reduce it to the way it was prior to 1913.

This is only my 2 cents worth as I don't think the gov't gives a rat's as about anyone but themselves which includes us fliers. I think were just pissing in the wind on this.
This is not a disrespect of your call to arms. I strongly believe that what I'm going to say is not a conspiracy theory.

We as a nation of people have lost the ability to affect those that govern us. The only thing talking presently is those businesses that have more money than god like Google, Amazon etcetera.

The other faction is the dicks in DC. They are consumed with power, control and mula. I don't think there's any way to to derail this speeding train that I consider to be the present day gov't.

Our only option is to take out the present day gov't and reduce it to the way it was prior to 1913.

This is only my 2 cents worth as I don't think the gov't gives a rat's as about anyone but themselves which includes us fliers. I think were just pissing in the wind on this.

Every voice count, under the 1st. Big ups to the AMA for standing up.
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Every voice count, under the 1st. Big ups to the AMA for standing up.
As I said, this is no disrespect to those that try. I simply find the effort futile.

I try on a daily basis to change or influence the government and it hasn't worked in 5 years.
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As I said, this is no disrespect to those that try. I simply find the effort futile.

I try on a daily basis to change or influence the government and it hasn't worked in 5 years.

None taken and no love loss. I understand your point.
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I think one of the members over at autelpilots page said it best.

Nobody read Obamacare either, still haven’t, 3000 pages nobody read, governing 1/5th of the USA economy, voted into law after 5 days (after midnight on a Saturday night, using a parliamentary trick called reconciliation - never meant for use with major legislation - because the Democrats didn’t have enough votes from their own party to pass it normally).

US House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s infamous statement “We have to pass the bill in order to find-out what’s in it...” is the most honest admission of political corruption in USA history....

This is no different— it’s what some call the Deep State. The term refers to US Govt entities acting in an extra-constitutional manner, without proper Legislative oversight — as mandated by the Constitution! "
I think one of the members over at autelpilots page said it best.

Nobody read Obamacare either, still haven’t, 3000 pages nobody read, governing 1/5th of the USA economy, voted into law after 5 days (after midnight on a Saturday night, using a parliamentary trick called reconciliation - never meant for use with major legislation - because the Democrats didn’t have enough votes from their own party to pass it normally).

US House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s infamous statement “We have to pass the bill in order to find-out what’s in it...” is the most honest admission of political corruption in USA history....

This is no different— it’s what some call the Deep State. The term refers to US Govt entities acting in an extra-constitutional manner, without proper Legislative oversight — as mandated by the Constitution! "
Yep, Socialism is taking over!

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Can't expect anything useful or functional from the FAA or any other rogue agency of the government of the orange orangutan.
Twilight zone is now and real.... DC is a alternate reality of feral criminals running amok without oversight or justice.
Fake news!!! Trump is... I don’t know what he is, and who he is....

Let’s fly!!!
The real problem with this bill (and most others) is that they are written in such a way that you need to lay out each section, subsection, reference to another document, and all its attachments on a massive table or wall then create links between all the convoluted references so that you can then make sense of it. NO CONGRESSPERSON OR SENATOR WILL TAKE THE TIME TO DO THAT. WHAT'S EVEN MORE APAULING IS THAT THEY DON'T HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE TO INTERPRET OR UNDERSTAND IT BEFORE THEY VOTE ON IT AND SEND IT TO THE PRESIDENT FOR SIGNATURE. I don't blame the president for that. If the 535 persons in the legislative branch who are charged to create the laws would do their job and do it effectively, they would only send bills to the president that are well thought out, well reviewed and voted upon with the full knowledge of the content of the bill. They only work 3 days per week and half that time is spent fundraising & campaigning. They spend the other 4 days leaving for home or returning to the congress or enjoying the weekends.

In my own state, when there is a bill proposed (referred to as a question for a vote on the ballot) I try like the dickens to look up the actual text of the bill and understand what I am voting for or against. That takes time and is generally hard to even find the actual language of the bill. I have time for that since I finally retired. My point is that very few people, let alone our elected officials take the time to even know what they are voting for or against. I look forward to legislation that furthers knowledge and safety in the use of UAV's but we don't need more regulations that are not well thought out, difficult to apply, enforce, or comply with and passed without even being read by the legislators who vote on it.

UAV's have a place in professional use, hobby use, military, and public services and I am very happy with my Typhoon H (hobby use). Each of these uses needs their own set of rules applied to them. Yes there is some overlap but experts should write the regulations and agree upon them rather than folks who have no understanding of them or real interest in them other than what they hear about in social media.
I would lay odds that if the airspace being granted to the big commercial entities was above 400 feet AGL there would be a s___ storm so large it couldn’t be passed off the way we just were. I think general aviation would have let them know they could take their delivery drones and shove them where the sun shines only on rare occasions.
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Where were these legislators the past 30 years when all the rc planes and especially rc helicopters were doing basically the same thing as a drone.
Drones are at their peak in popularity now and everybody wants one. They are much easier to fly than rc helicopters or planes. There are rc helis out there that have expensive cameras ,etc
That can do almost anything a drone can do. Most of the rule breakers with drones I have seen are not people using them for commercial use. I believe once the craze dies down so will the laws
This is what amazes me biltno. I flew RC airplanes & copters for years from the time I was young to my old age. I feel that the problems with drones (regulation) are born by a lot of misinformation by the general public since the majority of drones are equipped with cameras. I remember when cameras were first introduced to RC aircraft and they were glitchy and somewhat rarely used. Now that they are capable of being used by more sophisticated aircraft and by kids & adults alike, a large section of the public thinks they are the target of predators who only want to look into their windows or spy on them at the park.

I don't think the laws will ease up after interest in drones dies down - there are still silly laws on the books that date back to the 1800's and no one in the government is lining up to repeal them.

One other comment about "Drones". The term itself generates angst among the uninformed. To your point, they are simply a configuration of RC aircraft. Remember the noise around the "gas guzzling SUV's" a few years back. The automotive industry combatted that stigma by having their marketing people reclassify their advertising to "the CROSSOVER" - just an SUV with a new marketing name. Maybe we aught to drop the name drone and go back to calling them RC model aircraft - which they really are.

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