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No connection possible with USB from drone to remote control. (For updates) - Defective USB socket, support exchanged drone

Well, when it tipped over, it was a large flat parking lot and full speed.
The drone was completely on the ground, all 4 "feet", even already felt 2-3 seconds or longer but had not switched off and then all at once quickly tipped over (probably have 2 motors revved up).

Either it had frozen after that or already before, because after that it didn't react to any of the inputs anymore, not even to emergency stop.
I then had to pull the battery from the still running drone.

maybe it has to do with the reason why I landed at all is.
In mid-air it has switched from angled to manual (Probably GPS loss). But I have directly set the lever once from angled to manual and back to angled, which has solved the problem immediately. Nevertheless, I landed promptly out of caution. (and at the exact same place also 10 minutes before to exchange the battery). And that's when it happened.

And now I'm scared every time it stands on 2 of the 4 feet for a short moment, that it will happen again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That’s was definitely strange behavior, so I understand why you are scared of it reoccurring.
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