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OK totally off Topic

Oct 11, 2015
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So many of us love flying our Yuneec drones but we also have other interests or hobbies.
What is yours?
Mine is smoking meats and making sausage.
Lets us know what else you do besides fly toys in the sky :)

Smoked Ham
final image.jpg

Smoked Jerky

Smoked salt

Smoked salmon

Smoked pepperettes

Smoked peanuts

Smoked deer roast

Smoked kielbasa

smoked summer sausage
Cool pics. What kind of smoker do you use?
BTW, is it already snowing on Kakabeka Falls? 80 F here right now.
I have two smokers. The first one that got me into the hobby is a Bradley Smoker. Kind of like a toy smoker but works good for first time users and I also have a lab oven i managed to get from work when I retired 3 years ago.



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Impressive equipment. Obviously you are well versed in that realm. I have tinkered through the years, got to where I can eat my stuff.
Kudos. And I reckon the snow will arrive there soon enough.
Cool, I have a falls in my backyard you might be interested in LOL
4000 feet from my back yard.
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Great Scott, that water looks freezing to me. I'm allergic to cold temps...like below 70F.:eek:
I shoot at a local state run range and take pictures. My big passion is the USO. I volunteer time and pictures. (I do not know how to upload pictures here.)
I shoot at a local state run range and take pictures. My big passion is the USO. I volunteer time and pictures. (I do not know how to upload pictures here.)

Usually you can just drag and drop them, or "Upload as a file". Try it, you can't hurt anything. (You have to start the thread or post first.)
OK out of the pines of East Texas I have learned something. . . WOW


  • GMG_0840.JPG
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What a super-cool picture!
Can you also put it in the Pic-Video section? Get more views that way. This thread is kinda old.
DSCN0669.JPG 001 Picture2 008.jpg We all need escapes and drone flying is just one.

Here are a few of my favorites for occupying time and enjoying lifeDSCN0711.JPG DSCN0407.JPG
The Corvette is my show car and the Mustang is my wife's show car - This was at Darlington Raceway show in October. We got to run 2 laps on the track at 100+ mph.
001 Picture2 008.jpg
And the babies plus 5 operating aquariums ranging from 30 gallons to 220 gallons saltwater systems.

I like to ride a motorcycle...when the weather isn't too bad. That conflicts with flying the drone coz I like to fly that too if the weather isn't too bad :confused:
Nice bike FlushVision, I am also a motorcyclist, and a long time RC Pilot. Here a few of my toys.

Kawasaki C14

Yamaha FZ1

This is one of my Original Designs I did in the late 90's - Turbine powered model of Lockheed L1011 - 500

That L1011-500 model is incredible. How much design and build time do you have in that beauty? The bikes are also very cool, but that bird is something very special. Is it a retractable gear?
Thanks VetteDrone, I created the tooling and the prototype (pictured) over a period of about ten months. It does have fully retractable gear; wingspan and length are 85" Dry weight was about 28 pounds and take off weight around 35 depending on fuel load. It is a remarkably smooth flyer.

Me and TriStar.jpg
My other lobbying is metal detecting. I have discovered bits and pieces of an old wood burning oven, old nails from a house built in the 1870's.

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