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Please help me.!!!

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and yes I could of used turn also but I shouldn't of had to how it was flown so don't judge me on something you have no clue all the events the led up to the crash, I said in that message yes I could of turned amateur mistake but the yaw was not correct either being as it just stayed straight almost instead of going right
but I'm not going to sit here and be a forum warrior and try to defend something, Best Buy policies they do not warrant crashes for returns with money but in the first 14 days you can EXCHANGE if it was crashed management approval
So if you want to questions someone's integrity, try bestbuy bc it was there policy I just showed up to tell them what happened and see what I needed to do next, they put into motion the exchange due to how new this drone was
I bought mine at BestBuy and I just so happened to have the same situation, I was flying fpv street lvl with trees, went to yaw to the right on a turn but didn't calculate for that I would have to turn right also at the speed I was going. Amateur mistake on how mine happened, but ended up going up to Best Buy to find out if I could exchange it due to it not yawing fast enough considering it a defect and they exchanged it for me for free and ordered me a brand new one free of charge due to it being in the first 14 days I bought it. Like I said amateur move I made but stuff happens lol did you just buy it? Didn't know.
Lets see here how you told this story, "I was flying fpv street lvl with trees, went to yaw to the right on a turn but didn't calculate for that I would have to turn right also at the speed I was going. You now admitted to Mrg, "(but the yaw was not correct either being as it just stayed straight almost instead of going right)" Contradictions in your respones. It sounds like your at fault rather than a defect according the way you described the original event. You never mentioned discussing with Manager at bestbuy in your 1st post. So of course your going to get ridiculed. another contradiction "but a yaw is not supposed to change unless..." sounds like here you did the yaw. And what in the world does $100 dollars and hour have to do with this? Oh you young kids!
Because why would I try to get something for free when I could of just bought a new one. Excuse me for not saying that the manager brought up. Of course if I had explained the whole event for that day it would of taken whole pages to do so I shortened it.

I came to this forum to join a family of drone enthusiasts, not to be ridiculed like it's a bunch of kids in a call of duty online game. I didn't include every bit of info thinking everyone would be like well good glad it worked out for you, and maybe he had also recently purchased and could of exchanged it, that was me trying to help, not to gloat on the luck that I had with my experience.
Giving you benefit of doubt for the moment, you should be aware there have been many that crashed their H's though only their own fault and have returned the aircraft to both Yuneec and dealers for undeserved warranty repairs and replacement. Yuneec has in many cases handled them free of charge, at great cost to them in dollars, and in time lost by technicians that could have been taking care of real warranty issues. The cost of this fraud is borne by all that purchase an H through pricing that is higher than it would be had people possessed a reasonable level of honesty.

Your original post made a clear statement your crash was due to a rookie mistake.
Yes but I did not describe in my first post in detail about the return and it was a rookie mistake but I still think it was weird and I had been having issues also, which I'm not sure if this is related to me saying about the yaw not reacting quick enough, I was having trouble connecting to the gps. Would that cause the controller to not react correctly, and thank you for giving me the benefit of he doubt, I appreciate it at least because I'm not one to try and get a handout.
This thread has been finished by the OP.

Pointless to let arguments continue, but there are good points made by several posts which all new owners and potential buyers should take to heart.
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