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problem starting engines


Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
the engines of my H do not start anymore. Alone, beeps are heard when I press the starter ...
The last time I used my Typhoon, I inadvertently turned off the ST16 first, which I immediately turned on again to turn off the H first (why is it so important to turn off the power first of the drone?), then the ST16. Could this be the reason?
What can I do now?
What are the status lights showing on the back of the Copter?
If you hear rapid beeps it is usually the right stick which is not returning to center (electrically). Give the stick an aggressive stir and see if the beeping stops and the motors should start. You should check your sticks for proper operation.

If you don't have enough satellites lock-in and is keep saying Acquiring on the left side of the screen and do not say Ready your motors will not start and you will hear few beeps and then nothing. Make sure you have over 10 satellites looked in.
I had more than 10 satellites.
I manipulated the right joystick and actually the engines start.
Thank you all.
My engines start but the Typhoone H will not take off. The camera works but the joy stick will not rev the engines
je suis à nouveau confronté au non démarrage des moteurs, mais cette fois, pas de bips émis. Quelles pourraient être les causes possibles ? Merci.


I am again confronted with the non-starting of the engines, but this time, no beeps emitted. What could be the possible causes? Thank you.
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Steve merci pour le retour. Mon H vient de redémarrer après un long temps de recherche de satellites. Les précédentes fois, les moteurs ne démarraient malgré 24 satellites : la lumière violette clignotait tout le temps.
J'ai donc pu décoller et en aterrissant le drône s'est couché et... un moteur Hs ! Comment puis-je repérer lequel ? Pour autant Channel Settings restre grisé...

Steve, thank you for the return. My H has just restarted after a long time of searching for satellites. Previously, the engines did not start despite 24 satellites: the purple light flashed all the time.

So I was able to take off and while landing the drone went down and... an Hs engine! How can I find which one? However, Channel Settings remains grayed out...


  • IMG_20220117_173757.jpg
    6.1 MB · Views: 7
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Channel Settings is greyed out because in System Settings, Other Settings, Advance Mode is disabled.

Advance Mode needs to be on to enable CCC, Orbit, and POI, but I advise leaving the Channel Settings alone unless you really know what you are doing by changing settings there (very easy to mess things up).

The photo you posted is showing that the GPS is still in Acquiring state. From what I gather in your text you were able to takeoff and fly the aircraft, but it tipped over on landing and caused an issue with one of the motors.

To assess the motors and other internal electronics and sensors. Download the Typhoon H GUI from the YuneecSkins.com Yuneec Downloads section and install it on a Windows 7 or higher PC. Then connect the Typhoon H to your PC with a data capable USB-A to microUSB-B cable. Use the GUI to check the motors without propellers.
J'ai donc pu décoller et en aterrissant le drône s'est couché et... un moteur Hs ! Comment puis-je repérer lequel ? Pour autant Channel Settings restre grisé...

So I was able to take off and while landing the drone went down and... an Hs engine! How can I find which one?
The translation of your event is not clear. I am not sure if the drone tipped over and a motor was damaged, or if a motor failure occurred just before landing.
Either way, you should have seen the motor failure "5 rotor" message, and the failed motor should have gone red on the status Icon. The ICON may or may not remain red after an attempted restart.
Motor Failure.jpg

In addition to the suggestions made by @DoomMeister, you could also upload your flight logs to the Forum for review as described by Attachment 67 (Typhoon H Flight Log Retrieval) of the PDF document attached to Way To Fix Drones project. This will allow an identification of the failed motor, of course. But it may also provide insights to what led to the event and/or what is preventing the motors from restarting.
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