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Props wearing out

Jun 16, 2016
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Is anyone else having a problem with their props getting sloppy at the connection to the hub and the motor? I replaced the four that I received as extras but the other two are still sloppy and must be replaced. Any input would be appreciated.
I'm wondering if maybe I got a bad batch of props that are way out of balance. I'm going to order some more props from Frank and see what happens.
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Could be. My props came well balanced. I can see the hubs possibly waring over time as they are just plastic, but we'll have to wait and see.
I'm wondering if maybe I got a bad batch of props that are way out of balance. I'm going to order some more props from Frank and see what happens.
If you have a prop balancer check all your props, I did 4 sets new out of the pkg. and the ones that came with the H. All
of them were heavy on the side that the letter is on A & B I don't know why but they are all like that.
This has been confirmed by other people. I balance all my props first out of the pkg. Check here Typhoon H Props out of balance
Guys I have a method I use to put my props on. Some days I put the silver one all on then the black ones. Other days I reverse it and put the black ones on first. I always look for the rotation on the first one then the rest comes easy. If you have loose props then there is a good chance you have tried to force them on. You can hear them lock in. They are not loose ever. I hope this helps, fly safe.
That's funny! The props are wearing out at the hubs. Inevitably it's going to happen. The question is how soon? I ordered new props and a balancer. Hopefully that cuts down the wear.
Gary it should be months even a year or two before this happens. Are they so far out of balance. I don't think so.
check the balance of your props, a prop balancer is very cheap to buy or make yourself.

Yessir. You'd be surprised at how out of balance some of them are. The originals that came with my H were pretty good; the spares I bought (OEM) were about 50/50.

A balancer and know-how to use it are well worth the time and money.
Could be. My props came well balanced. I can see the hubs possibly waring over time as they are just plastic, but we'll have to wait and see.
Yes, this is where it will wear the fastest. The heat energy from the motor is directly transfered from the shaft to the hub. I personally haven't bothered with balancing my props because it A. Flies wonderfully as is. B. Props only have a minor part in multirotor flight anymore, as long as the mold incorporates the blades INTO the hub it really doesn't matter as your GPS will keep everything in balance. On some custom builds I've had to do this because cheaply made props aren't stamped to the inside of the hub. It's just two layers put together....This is why the prop flew into two pieces on max throttle. These props are good coming from China.

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