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Requesting help from you experienced folks on some regulations

Unfortunately not AH-1G. Real estate photography is like the wild west over here these days. Agents operate their own drones or get family to do it. End result is inexperienced pilots doing stupid things with aircraft that they have learnt to use by reading the quick Start guide.
Unfortunately not AH-1G. Real estate photography is like the wild west over here these days. Agents operate their own drones or get family to do it. End result is inexperienced pilots doing stupid things with aircraft that they have learnt to use by reading the quick Start guide.
Ahhhh... head slap, Oz.... Australia.
Unfortunately not AH-1G. Real estate photography is like the wild west over here these days. Agents operate their own drones or get family to do it. End result is inexperienced pilots doing stupid things with aircraft that they have learnt to use by reading the quick Start guide.
So essentially Oz Govt have legalized what general public in USA are currently performing.
Yep ... Famous for kangaroos, koala bears, the platypus and federal regulators that don't seem to want to keep the playing field level for big and small business. Hence the real estate situation .... Oh .. and the Wing drone delivery service.
Yep. Ozzies are an interesting sort. Quite friendly, extremely competitive, fun loving, and can drink any other nationality under the table. If they inform you they’re pi$$ed they aren’t saying they are angry with you, they’re saying they finally reached the end of their enormous adult beverage capacity.
I recall a few ozzies in bdu green, after several of those friendly beers and spirited razzing could land good blows... Tough & fun Group!!
When I did hold my PFCO, you'd be surprised the number of times I came across this sort of thing. The usual retort to my question would be "But it's not commercial", to which I would reply "Oh yes it is". Many people didn't seem to get the fact that valuable consideration is also a payment, even if it's just the buying of a few drinks down the pub!
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Good man.
By the way, the act alone of opening up this discussion has served a very useful purpose in highlighting the issue of hobby pilots breaking the law, weather they intended to or not. I wonder how many hobby pilots in the U.K. fall foul of the law without realizing they've broken any laws. They may do a job for a family member for free but if that family member uses the aerial images to further business interests then those images are still considered to be commercial in nature. That pilot, and the family member that has asked the pilot to obtain images are both liable for prosecution. Tough for the pilot who has done it for free but will still be liable for a massive fine.
When I did hold my PFCO, you'd be surprised the number of times I came across this sort of thing. The usual retort to my question would be "But it's not commercial", to which I would reply "Oh yes it is". Many people didn't seem to get the fact that valuable consideration is also a payment, even if it's just the buying of a few drinks down the pub!
I think that would be very difficult to prove, " drinks down a pub" probably be thrown out by a judge with a good lawyer. But we catch your drift.
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Ohhhhhhhhhh, Oz, geezzzzz,
I was thinking "Wizard of Oz", and you were joking!:rolleyes:
Yep. Ozzies are an interesting sort. Quite friendly, extremely competitive, fun loving, and can drink any other nationality under the table. If they inform you they’re pi$$ed they aren’t saying they are angry with you, they’re saying they finally reached the end of their enormous adult beverage capacity.
I think and Australian and an Irish man would be too close to call!
Still laughing Doug. You obviously hung around with some very bad people some years ago. I worked in the "serve and protect" business but spent a lot of time working alongside people who wore the green bdu's or more recently the modern versions. Very, very bad people who drank lots of alcohol and then played full contact football inside the Sgt's Mess.
Still laughing Doug. You obviously hung around with some very bad people some years ago. I worked in the "serve and protect" business but spent a lot of time working alongside people who wore the green bdu's or more recently the modern versions. Very, very bad people who drank lots of alcohol and then played full contact football inside the Sgt's Mess.
Ya, I'm laughing now with ya... in late 70's early 80's we had exercises with Germans, Brits, Sweds & Oz groups to enhance our NATO team work... if you recall '77-80 timeframe we were busy encouraging Ivan to play in his own playgrounds. That gave evenings for D&B's... (drink & brag) on whom did what better... as a young pup, I think I may have expressed more than wise... I recall my Colonel in following days informing me to match my mouth with team effort and how misjudgment was one of many errors I probably made that evening... and at that age, I was obviously deaf to wisdom while planning for the "next time" which did occur with similar results. But... always a positive, they taught me how to endure a higher pain threshold.
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Here is a further complication. A lot of Anglo-Saxon Aussies have Irish AND Scottish heritage. Explains our urge to drink and fight!
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