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Sad events in the U.K.


Premium Pilot
Jun 19, 2016
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Shaw, Gtr Manchester, U.K.
Another atrocity last night on the streets of London. Current casualties are 7 dead and 48 people in Hospital with a good number of them is serious life threatening conditions. This follows on from the attack almost a fortnight ago in Manchester (not far from where I live) in which 22 people were killed in a bomb attack and many many more seriously injured. And the worst of it was it was aimed at children.

I grieve for society and what it happening around the world. I will say no more on this forum.
I fear that the UK has been too accommodating in granting access to the country by those who represent a danger to a democratic society.
I fear that the UK has been too accommodating in granting access to the country by those who represent a danger to a democratic society.
I agree, but listening to the Prime Minister, and others, that is likely to change.

As the opening poster I feel it would be best to close this thread now to help prevent anything 'unfortunate' being said. Feelings are pretty raw in the U.K. at the moment and at times like this things can be said that are later regretted.
This is a civil forum and the members are expected to remain respectful. Anything that turns ugly will be deleted at a minimum. The admins may remove this thread if they deem it to be controversial.
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I grieve for the days when civility was the rule not the exception. It is a shame that a militant few are making things bad for the others. I have gone to a mosque and met with a lot of the members there and they are good people.
I grieve for the days when civility was the rule not the exception. It is a shame that a militant few are making things bad for the others. I have gone to a mosque and met with a lot of the members there and they are good people.
Unlike some years ago (in the U.K. at least), the problems aren't in the mosques these days. For the most part over recent times, the mosques (and imams) have done a good job in weeding out the bad elements from their midst. The bulk of the problems stem from on-line radicalisation of the younger generation (below 30 years old, say) of Muslims who are radicalized into an extreme interpretation of Islam that is condemned as 'un-Islamic' by the mainstream Muslim.
An unfortunate result of recent events in the U.K. has seen an increase in 'backlash' incidents by uninformed white bullies towards some Muslim members of our society...against the very same members of our society who are just as appalled by recent events as the average white Christian Joe. In this respect, then, some degree of division in our society (one of the aims of terrorists) will result if such actions are not quashed.

The U.K. is less than two days from a General Election that was called by the Prime Minister, Teresa May, in an effort to bolster her negotiation position at the Brexit negotiation table...she expected it to be a landslide win for her party. The election was touted as being 'all about Brexit'. However, the terrorist attacks over the last fortnight has shifted the focus of the election from Brexit to one of security and the failings of MI5 and other bodies in missing opportunities to identify and stop the attacks. Within the last two weeks, then, Teresa May's popularity and likelihood of a land-slide win (if opinion pols are to be given any importance) appears to have shifted to the point that the current main opposition party could conceivably win. Whether that is good or bad is an argument for another forum but if that's the case, then terrorism will have gone some way to change the U.K government from what it was expected to have been by most political analysts.
I feel for you people. The attack on the Trade Towers in New York 9/11/2001 changed how the people here think about a lot of things. They are less tolerant to any persons that act against the general public with terrorism. The Boston Marathon bomber is another foolish act causing even more tensions, Barbaric people wrapping themselves in the Koran acting like it is approved their clergy. I have not heard any of the clerics or IMAMS condemning those actions. Except once.
I feel for you people. The attack on the Trade Towers in New York 9/11/2001 changed how the people here think about a lot of things. They are less tolerant to any persons that act against the general public with terrorism. The Boston Marathon bomber is another foolish act causing even more tensions, Barbaric people wrapping themselves in the Koran acting like it is approved their clergy. I have not heard any of the clerics or IMAMS condemning those actions. Except once.
I think that most people who were around at the time will be able to say what they were doing on 9/11/01. Just the same as those around at the time when Kennedy passed that grassy knoll. In years to come, then, I expect that most people in the U.K. around now will be able to say what they were doing when that bomb went off at the Manchester Arena a fortnight or so ago. I know exactly where I was at that time.

People remember very bad or momentous things. Interestingly, people remember such things better than good things. It's human nature.
BTW, the latest word from the Prime Minister is that, if she is re-elected tomorrow, there will be changes to laws surrounding Human Rights. Is this what the world is coming to?

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