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Slightly Swollen H Battery

Some users can destroy a battery on the first use. I don't see a 30 day battery warranty as being unreasonable, especially when an uninformed user might store them fully charged for that long or longer, which will damage them. I'm still using the stock batteries obtained in May, 2016. No problems.
I took a flight yesterday and when I was done I pulled the battery and noticed that it was a bit swollen. I let it rest and the swelling went down a bit. I'm going to dispose of it. Any best practices? it still has a bit of a charge. I don't have a means apart from use to discharge the battery.

All ideas are welcome.
Easy! NEVER fly again with a swollen battery! Discard it.
Would this be considered too swollen to keep?


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Let’s use an analogy. Disregarding a particular part of the male anatomy and female pregnancy, any evidence of swelling on the human body is indicative of a problem. ANY indication of swelling. The same is true for lipo batteries.

In your case that sucker is either pregnant, aroused, or in deep trouble. The first two are not possible.
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There is no such thing as "a little swollen". Just like a woman cannot be "a little pregnant". Once a pack is swollen it is a ticking time bomb. Use, store and charge at your own risk.
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Would this be considered too swollen to keep?
Yes. Discharge it and dispose of it safely.
Continued use will become increasingly dangerous...it already is dangerous. Not just fire risk but consider your aircraft if not your own safety. For example, next time you fly it, it could get stuck in your aircraft's battery slot because it has become too swollen to remove. If you do decide to keep it (not recommended) only use it for setting up on the ground...calibrations, etc. but I really fail to see the benefits of even that.

Bucket of salt water is the order of the day.
It’s hard to imagine the level of excitement that occurs when a lipo bursts into flames inside a model. If it’s on the groynd you get a close up view of a 2000* fire burning your model to useless, unrepairable slag.

If it happens in the air you get to watch it crash and start a fire in the countryside. While it’s burning you wonder how large the bill will be for damage and property losses you’ll be responsible for.

If it happens in the middle of the night sitting on the bench or inside your house you can only hope your fire alarm triggers early enough for you and everyone else to get out of the house. If you’re lucky you’ll all make it out and the fire department will arrive in time to save your pets and a few personal possessions. You get to stand out in the street in your PJ’s or underwear because you didn’t have time to get dressed. All your clothes will be going up in flames or be so smoke and water stained they will all be ruined. Of course you get to find a new place to live and with luck your fire insurance will cover most of your losses. Hopefully you have enough vacation time accrued to allow the time needed to get things done and not lose paychecks. If it ignites in the house, the worst that can happen is you’ll burn to death.

If it ignites in your car you can depend on a massive auto repair bill, if the car can be economically repaired. If you’re driving a car more than 5-7 years old it will likely be totaled as the cost of repair would exceed the value of the car.

All that just because the battery was only a little bit swollen but the voltage measures up so it must still be ok to use, right? Why buy a new battery when the voltage still measures good in the swollen battery? Shoot, a new battery is going to cost $80.00-$120.00. Who wants to spend that kind of money? It might cause a cut back on trips to Starbucks or force delaying flying until the battery can be replaced. Now those are serious inconveniences, right?

Fact is, every scenario presented will cost a heck of a lot more than a battery, and every battery that demonstrates any amount of swelling is telling you everything you need to know. They are telling you to retire the battery and obtain a new one. They are not telling you to wait for a little more swelling before taking action, they are saying do it now as from that point forward anything can happen at any time.

So it’s your call. You can ask around various places about how safe it is until someone says it’s ok for now, the answer you want to hear, or accept reality, discharge the old battery safely and dispose of it, and buy another one. Only you know what you can afford to lose by continuing use of a swollen battery.
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You could always test your LiPo bag, (if you have one)now to see if it really stops a LiPo fire and post like others do on YouTube! But on the other hand just discharge it so that it poses no risk to you.
I have already ordered a fresh battery and am now looking for the safest way to discharge this timebomb.
Visit GetFPV.com and pick up a Lipo Killer. They work slow but they are cheap and get the job done. I set the battery and device out in the yard and let them do their thing.

Downside with an H battery is you’ll have to adapt something for the the Yuneec plug. If you have been using an after market charger you already have part of what you need to make an adapter happen.
Unfortunately I only have the stock charger. However I do have my trusty Prusa i3 so I can print an adapter.
Unfortunately I only have the stock charger. However I do have my trusty Prusa i3 so I can print an adapter.
An after market charger would be a good addition to your kit, Windcalmer. Do a search in these forums to decide which one to go for. If you decide on a half decent one (one that has a storage mode...better an Internal Resistance function) it'll pay for itself in the long run.
Everyone has an opinion about trusting a battery that you see a physical issue with. In my opinion if you do a cell check on it you may see an early warning sign. However is the risk worth taking? A battery that’s approximately 90.00 vs a drone worth $600.00

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