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Something new perhaps?

Hi Haydn, I like your thoughts. Have you tried these new batteries in the current H? and what is the cost?
Nothing 100% but vertigodrones has them for pre-order starting at 1700.00.
The $1700 price tag is without a Camera. Add a camera and the price jumps to $3400 plus. This is not a cheap drone, nor one I would consider a Hobby Drone, unless you have a endless checkbook.
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View attachment 6450 So.. on the. "Will the H520 battery fit the H480?"
Here's a thought.
What if they are just using a larger capacity battery?
The current H480 battery is 5400mAh
This one "YUNEEC TYPHOON H 8050MAH 4S, 14.8V LIPO BATTERY" is now available on eBay.
So using logical mathematics
Current flight time 22 minutes
Current capacity 5400
22/5400 = 0.004074074074074
0.004074074074074 x 8050 = 32.79 minutes

That's my 2c.

Would be nice if the battery is the same especially if you just bought one of those expensive 4 port H battery only chargers.

I did buy one of those chargers which was why I asked that question. I'm hoping the 520 batteries at least fit the charger. We'll see I guess.
Wow, this thread became full of conjecture and fortune telling.
The 520? Those who know ain't talking. The resulting vacuum is filled with maybe this and maybe that.

A few things are certain. The 520 is much higher priced and not a sub for the 480.
It's aimed at a commercial market where reliability and down time are major concerns, not initial cost.

The release will "be a while longer". The Owners Manual and related instructional videos are now American productions.
If you are really interested in the H520, hang tight and don't worry about the negative comments of doom and gloom. I believe the 520 will blow some doors off.

Have a good weekend and a Happy 4th.:)

Rayray, you are remarkably well-informed. I'll tag on and say that the manual, instructional are not the only pieces that are American-borne. ;)
have a great weekend!
$143 delivered look out for eBay vouchers/discount codes to try and save 15%

8050mAh Yuneec Typhoon H Drone Lipo Battery 4S 14.8V Replacement Lipo Battery | eBay

I will probably buy some once the codes appear again to have some in stock. But I have to add GST to my price and then re deliver them. So you are better off going direct.
I'll just end up bundling then with new drones.
That's currently $110 USD. Who's going to be the first to buy, try and report back?
Personally, I have yet to figure out where Yuneec is going with this stuff. As for DJI, with the exception of their enterprise products they really aren't all that advanced in the consumer market. For the most part they are totally dependent on outside App developers to provide features APM has had as internal software for a few years. The average consumer drone owner isn't aware of it because no ready to fly products using APM/Pixhawk based code is being sold outside of Walkera, and they can't find their backside with both hands.
This. It is my opinion that Yuneec could compete with DJI if they opened the software up and made it more accessible to developers.
$143.00? Let's say the same value was applicable to one shipped to the U.S. For that amount of money we could buy 2.6 Gens/Tattu 6300mA batteries at $54.95 each. Using 15 minutes for flight time per battery that's 39 minutes of flight time for the same amount of money.

IMO the reason people "need" more flight time from a battery is because they want to fly much further away and have enough battery to get back. You can get a mile out and back with an H battery if you know what you're doing, which exceeds the legal limit in most of the countries it's flown in. How much more is really necessary? What people want and what the law allows are two different things.
View attachment 6450 So.. on the. "Will the H520 battery fit the H480?"
Here's a thought.
What if they are just using a larger capacity battery?
The current H480 battery is 5400mAh
This one "YUNEEC TYPHOON H 8050MAH 4S, 14.8V LIPO BATTERY" is now available on eBay.
So using logical mathematics
Current flight time 22 minutes
Current capacity 5400
22/5400 = 0.004074074074074
0.004074074074074 x 8050 = 32.79 minutes

That's my 2c.

Would be nice if the battery is the same especially if you just bought one of those expensive 4 port H battery only chargers.

That means I cant take these batteries on a commercial flight here in Aus.
We are allowed up to 100mAh per battery with no issues for carry on - and only two batteries with special permission over 100mAh
Those batteries come in at 125.8mAh
As I fly around Australia - I would require permission just to get two on board.
So better for me to stay with the 6 80mAh ones I have.

Great for the local trips or car though ... wonder if they ship to Aus ?
$143.00? Let's say the same value was applicable to one shipped to the U.S. For that amount of money we could buy 2.6 Gens/Tattu 6300mA batteries at $54.95 each. Using 15 minutes for flight time per battery that's 39 minutes of flight time for the same amount of money.

IMO the reason people "need" more flight time from a battery is because they want to fly much further away and have enough battery to get back. You can get a mile out and back with an H battery if you know what you're doing, which exceeds the legal limit in most of the countries it's flown in. How much more is really necessary? What people want and what the law allows are two different things.

For a lot of 'newer' users I can agree.

For myself, I fly mostly at sunrise and sunset where I essentially get one battery flight for the optimal video. I also fly FPV for close proximity to waves/water, but rarely more then 200-300 yards away, typically 100 yards for most shots. Additionally I fly at 2 feet to 40 feet elevation, rarely over 150 feet in altitude. Given that, I fly in two ways : 1) I know the shot I am after and the entire storyboard from launch to position to flight is to capture that video sequence (more or less :) ). The current flight times of 10-14 minutes will do that with room to spare. But these are pre-visualized and essentially pre-walked flights where I hope conditions are what I expect (sun/moon/waves/clouds/fog etc. and lack of people); a 'working' shot. By the time I land, replace the battery, restart, get GPS, reset camera exposure, visualize the flight and shot in a manner that I am not rushing, I expect a 10 minute window at best to get back into position; this is costly especially in the pre-dawn and sunrise. 2) I am exploring shots flying over the water, the waves, slowly, looking, setting up a sequence with a lot of hovering to evaluate, waiting for the moment to begin the 10 second clean video run. This is almost exactly the same as walking in a trail at sunset and not wanting to rush, but looking at the view, light, composition and attempting to frame shots and then move on. This is where extended flights of 15 minutes plus is really nice so I don't always feel rushed. Being rushed is just a huge PITA. Often I don't even take time to get a photo as it stops the video, takes a moment, frame the shot, shoot, re-start video - oops, 1 minute or more gone. I really want a 30 minute flight time which would essentially simulate the trail walk without being rushed and allow me to prep and fly a single flight and feel I got everything I could that day. Of course this is a no-go for the H, but I 'hope' the Tornado may get there.
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Your points are duly noted. I totally agree with you where changing from video and setting up for photos is concerned, and truly understand the magic hour of sunrise lighting.
Nice. Now there needs to be a big push to get them to come over to the dark side.
Just submitted ticket with support. I will report back once they answer. This would be awesome to get access.
Well that was not a lot of help. They advised that there is no public SDK access and to signup for newsletter for updates. Anybody have a contact other than support?

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