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Spiraling on turning

Feb 18, 2019
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Just a quick one has anyone had the problem of when using the pivot buttons that the breeze veers off ? Almost like a spiral off in the direction of the button used ?Screenshot_20190309-135047_Breeze%20Cam.jpeg
Are you sure you have the button/joystick in an exact neutral position in respect to forward /reverse? So when you rotate to the left and give a very small (even hardly noticeable) impulse to forward the resulting flight pattern will be a spiral.
Yes all is centred and I use quite a large tablet so no stray fingers
They are not buttons. You place your thumbs on the center of the virtual joysticks and slide them like a real joystick. That may be what is causing your troubles.
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Yes I understand how it works the problem is if it's in hover and I press the buttons to pivot in hover for example to do a 360 hover turn the 4k veers off in the chosen pivot direction instead of remaining in position in hover quite hard to explain
Check your Drone Settings. If you are using Mode 1 and are just a little to far forward or back from center you can get the effect you describe. Most pilots use Mode 2 with throttle and yaw on the left.

If you are already using Mode 2 and getting this contact Yuneec Customer Support and see what they may suggest for a solution.

Again, the circular arrows are not buttons to be pressed. They are icons to show how moving the stick in that direction will affect the aircraft.

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