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ST 16 Control won't shut off

Aug 16, 2016
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Aston PA
Flew it this afternoon and mid flight my screen went blank. I was able to scuttle it back and land. However the screen is a dim black and rear cooling fans are running. I've turned off and on. No response. Help!
Flew it this afternoon and mid flight my screen went blank. I was able to scuttle it back and land. However the screen is a dim black and rear cooling fans are running. I've turned off and on. No response. Help!

What was the ST-16 voltage before it went blank? Might try recharging it, you probably already have by now.
Nothing to do but call the man...
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Plug it into the charger, wait 10 minutes,
Try to power back on with the charger STILL plugged in.
I had it happen to me mid flight. Yuneec should warn everyone to charge the ST-16 for a good 10 hours the first time.
Mine kept acting up till I charged it overnight, been fine since.
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Great advice Bob.
You know it's kind of unusual how people will remember to charge their batteries on their aircraft but forget about the controller. This happens a lot more or should I say more often than they will discuss .
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Lol soooo true.. Thanks for the help fellow flyers! I charged it overnight. She was operational this morning! At times I tend to be more "human" then most.... (Sigh)

Thanks again gents!

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