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St-16 thinks it's charging?

Jun 8, 2017
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I had trouble getting the st-16 to charge last night, it only wanted to get to 70% or so. This morning during s drive I plugged in the charger and used the USB off that in my truck to charge it the rest of the way. Now that it's unplugged it says 99% and charging. Anyone have this sort of charging issue before?

Edit- restarted and now it's reading at 0% and charging. Going to try a hard (factory) reset
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I don't use the charger Yuneec provided waaaayyyyyyy tooooooo sloooowwww:mad:, I use my cell phone charger or even when out use my charger from my vehicle, never had issues. It evens charges faster:)
I had a 'not charging issue' once with my ST16. My solution was to disconnect and reconnect the ST16 battery which resolved my issue.
Well the hard reset didn't work. Guess its time to call yuneec and see about sending it in.

I use my cell phone charger or even when out use my charger from my vehicle, never had issues.

Does your phone charger spit out more than 2A on the USB? I haven't seen anything that does more than that, and I think the yuneec charger does that as well. Normally I use a HB120AC to charge batteries and the ST-16, but I don't have anything that'll run on the 12V cigarette lighter except the yuneec charger and a crappy USB adapter that spits out 500mA, so I figured the yuneec charger was my best bet.

My solution was to disconnect and reconnect the ST16 battery which resolved my issue.

I tried that as well, to no avail. Did you leave it out for a while? I had mine disconnected for a 20 count.

edit- so I tried doing a reset again, and now in the controller mode its alternating between charging and on battery when its unplugged. If I go just to the pad, its only showing it as on battery, and behaving normally when I plug it in or unplug it. Does the controller mode pull battery data from something other than the android system?
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That's strange (alternating between charging and battery when unplugged). As i understand it the controller is just a dedicated android app which auto runs when booting. Yeah, I guess it is time to call or email Yuneec. I prefer email because I have a paper trail and hate waiting on the phone.

BTW - In regards to battery charging, It may be that the Yuneec charger is using USB 2 charging specs which is limited to 0.5A. Most newer cell phone chargers use USB 3 at up to 1.5A, which is why myself and other see it charging faster. If you remove the ST16 battery and have a Li-ion capable smart charger, the 1S ST16 cell is capable of being safely charged at a 0.8C charge rate or 6.96A for a 8700mAh cell. At that rate, you can charge a dead ST16 cell in 1.3hrs.

FYI - most will say 1C is safe but that's for Lipo's so you can do 8.7A for an 8700mAh cell but the ST16 uses a 8700mAh Li-Ion cell and the industry says 0.8C.
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Thanks for the suggestions, Yuneec CS thinks it might be a battery issue with the ST16, so they're sending me a new one. I'm not fully convinced, but we'll try it and see if that solves it (I would guess something is acting up in the charging circuit on the main board)

I did order a charging lead for the ST-16 battery so I can use the battery charger to charge that, and that high amerage car adapter. At the very least, being able to charge my phone at a reasonable rate in the car will be nice.

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