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St16+ and SD Card

Dec 29, 2017
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Can anyone please tell me how to download video footage from the SD card and store it in the ST16 memory..
Obviously can view footage with the card installed in the Controller, but its gone when I take it out..I don't want to fill up the internal memory but it would be nice to have a few videos to hand.
Many thanks
Isn't it on the camera SD card? Not familiar with the H, I am flying the H520 and I take the card from the camera to transfer the files.
Just pop the SD card from the H into the ST-16. Open the pad and transfer the videos you want into the video folder and re-name them to differentiate the card video from the ST-16 temporary video.

You’ll eat up the ST-16’s storage capacity pretty quick putting full resolution videos in it though.
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That begs the question, where on the ST-16 are the temporary videos? In the "Video" folder?
On the ST-16 enter Pad mode. Once in Pad, tap the 6 dots in a circle at the bottom of the screen. Select the File Manager folder. Two tabs appear at the left top of the page; Category and Directory. Select Category. Once in Category the basic screen arrangement will show 8 icons. The top two, from left to right, are Pictures and Videos. These are the temporary files that are being constantly over written by the system when you use the camera. The Pictures folder also contains some "stock" images that were installed by Yuneec. If you want to store videos from the SD card, instead of selecting Category choose Directory and scroll down the page to the Movies folder. It should be empty unless you tried to use the Movie Studio and saved a file after working with it.

For those that haven't entered Pad mode before, the horizontal U, or "Back" icon at the bottom right of the ST-16 of the screen, will let you walk your way back to the beginning of Pad mode if you get lost in the system. Tapping the House icon takes you back to the Flight Mode screen.
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Thanks, Pat!

Very interesting. I can see photos in the "Pictures" and videos in "Videos" as you describe when in Pad mode on the ST-16.

"Pictures" shows 25 PNG files. Photos and screenshots and the Yuneec images.
"Videos" shows 10 MP4 files.

Note: I apologize for the large screen captures. I tried to have them appear as thumbnails but that didn't work for me.

NB: it looks like my "new" TH480 was built and tested in the summer of 2016

What's puzzling is I don't see "Videos" when I'm using the "Android File Transfer" app on my Mac. I guess, I'll just have to move them to the SD card in the ST-16. What I do see is "Screenshots" under "Pictures" that I have taken.


What is interesting is looking through what Android File Transfer shows me I do find some PNG and MP4 videos. I guess this is due to the differences between Android on the Pad and how Android File Transfer sees the folder/file structure.

The Telemetry files are easily found

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Also note that the resolution on the ST-16 screen is only 720... you can store 4K files on the controller, but it will be a huge waste of storage space, since you can't view them at 4K resolution.
You’ll eat up the ST-16’s storage capacity pretty quick putting full resolution videos in it though.
Since the ST-16 is essentially a tablet computer, it's a shame it doesn't have more memory. Off-loading high-res videos to the ST-16 while traveling would be a useful function. Is there any way to add memory to it?
I use 'homemade' external USB SSD. 240 GB (large enough for storing a few hours of footage) Kingston. Whole package did not cost 100 dollars.
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I got my self one of these it allows me to out my memory card in it. Then I just put in my phone laptop or st16 and transfers them that way 1518800167494.jpg
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Or a tablet. I use a tablet with USB OTG and a OTG card reader to view photos and video I took flying. Makes it easy to review with people in the field before a long drive back to the office, that way they know I got what they wanted.
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That also provides the opportunity for us to review and assure we have what we need before departing the site.

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