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St16 battery

Mar 29, 2018
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I put my st16 on the charger left home the battery was at 70%. Full. When I returned home an hour and a half to two hours later,, the st16 red 35% in other words it went down.
What could have happened ?
Could it have overcharged ?
I am puzzled. I don't know exactly how old the battery is but if I had to guess I would say a year-and-a-half to two years old.
does anybody have any thoughts on this ?
Thank you
Keith Kuhn
PS I took the battery out put it on a battery tester it read 3.6 volts.
do you think it is time for a new battery ?
I had the same issue. I removed it from the charger for +- 12 hours and reconnected it. It started charging, but it took more then 24 hours to fully charge.
I don't know if it is an issue of with the battery, or, it's read-outs of the controller. I did not have the issue again since ...

But, I am not a frequent flyer :)
I had the same issue. I removed it from the charger for +- 12 hours and reconnected it. It started charging, but it took more then 24 hours to fully charge.
I don't know if it is an issue of with the battery, or, it's read-outs of the controller. I did not have the issue again since ...

But, I am not a frequent flyer :)

thanks I'm going to try that.
just before you replied back I was in the process of running my st16 controller to discharge the battery to zero but now it is at 6% so I will let it sit like you say.
for at least 12 to 24 hours just to see what happens.
I will keep you posted thanks again.
Keith Kuhn
frequent flyer. LOL
6% is very low ... Do not let it go down more. As you said, remove the charger, and maybe also the battery from the controller, and let it 'rest'.
Try again tomorrow.
6% is very low ... Do not let it go down more. As you said, remove the charger, and maybe also the battery from the controller, and let it 'rest'.
Try again tomorrow.

Thank you again I will also remove it from the st16 controller and try it 24 hours from now.
as I was letting the st16 sit there and and run when it got to 7% it gave me a message saying that some functions may not work at this level I understand.
I would never fly at less than 50% battery life anyway.
I've had issues with charging mine through the controller. I think its something with the carging circuit on the controller, and eventually what would happen is it'd turn on like I was charging the controller every time I turned it off, and when it was actually plugged in it wouldn't charge.

I'm still waiting on customer support to get me a replacement battery as their troubleshooting step, but we bought another H, and with that controller I've only plugged in the USB to transfer CCC files to and from the controller. Otherwise I charge the battery on a battery charger the same as I do the H batteries, and I haven't had any issues. I also disconnect and remove the battery any time I'm not using it.
I've had issues with charging mine through the controller. I think its something with the carging circuit on the controller, and eventually what would happen is it'd turn on like I was charging the controller every time I turned it off, and when it was actually plugged in it wouldn't charge.

I'm still waiting on customer support to get me a replacement battery as their troubleshooting step, but we bought another H, and with that controller I've only plugged in the USB to transfer CCC files to and from the controller. Otherwise I charge the battery on a battery charger the same as I do the H batteries, and I haven't had any issues. I also disconnect and remove the battery any time I'm not using it.

I sent for a new battery from eBay.
I will let you know if this solves
My problem.
I tried another battery but the problem was still there. I figured I had to play along with them before they'd have me send it in the have the charging board replaced in my controller. Meanwhile I've got 2 working batteries for the new controller which makes flying all day a lot easier.
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I tried another battery but the problem was still there. I figured I had to play along with them before they'd have me send it in the have the charging board replaced in my controller. Meanwhile I've got 2 working batteries for the new controller which makes flying all day a lot easier.

I left my battery out of the controller for over 24 hours.
Recharged it and Bam Everything's working good again.
go figure huh oh well I'm happy.
I put my st16 on the charger left home the battery was at 70%. Full. When I returned home an hour and a half to two hours later,, the st16 red 35% in other words it went down.
What could have happened ?
I notice that when I have wifi enabled on my Samsung S7 cell phone, and there is no wifi service available, it will run down the battery trying to connect to whatever it saw last. I wonder if that is happening with the Android tablet inside the ST16?
I notice that when I have wifi enabled on my Samsung S7 cell phone, and there is no wifi service available, it will run down the battery trying to connect to whatever it saw last. I wonder if that is happening with the Android tablet inside the ST16?

I am not sure how all that works but somebody suggested I take the battery out of the st16 controller for at least 24 hours and plug it back in and try it again and I'll be darned it worked just fine.
Plus the battery went down to 6%
But all is back to normal now.
I have no clue what went wrong.
I am not sure how all that works but somebody suggested I take the battery out of the st16 controller for at least 24 hours and plug it back in and try it again and I'll be darned it worked just fine.
Plus the battery went down to 6%
But all is back to normal now.
I have no clue what went wrong.
Warning: I got a small advice for u... sometimes u can read about strange behavior of the machine.... one moment everything is ok and few seconds later the quad try to land , also if we were flying oversea,or whereshould been better avoid to land... most of the time the batteries have been judgedguilty cause an overdischarge ( more than 20% of the whole capacity ain’t advisable at all)could damage most of the cells inside the batteries.... it’s a silent killerthat can work suddenly , striking u fm the back... you ‘ve been warned. , pilot

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