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Structure Scan Test - DataPilot Issue

Nov 10, 2016
Reaction score
London, ON Canada
I recently tried a structure scan of a small barn as a test. I used DataPilot (latest version) on my laptop to program it, but had an issue with the "Entrance/Exit Alt" value (I entered 20m) not holding after saving and reverting to 0m, as well the entry point location changed after saving to a mission then re-opening.

Before going to the actual site, I loaded the mission from my laptop to the ST16s and opened it, the "Entrance/Exit Alt" value was a “0” and the entry point was changed (as it was saved on the laptop).
When I went to the actual site (BTW all trees and other objects have since been removed from the earlier Google map view), I started up the H520, opened the mission on the ST16s then entered the 20m as the “Entrance/Exit Alt” and moved the entry point where I wanted it, but instead of saving the mission to the ST16s, I uploaded it to the H520 directly, and upon starting the mission, it executed it as I expected using the 20m “Entrance/Exit Alt” and the newly entered entrance point.

So, is this normal for DataPilot?


  • Green Barn Project Before.jpg
    Green Barn Project Before.jpg
    249.7 KB · Views: 28
  • Green Barn Project After.jpg
    Green Barn Project After.jpg
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OK so lots of views, but no answers as to the issue of why the 2 parameters change when saving the file, but if the mission is loaded directly to the H520 they hold as input?
BTW, I have done 2 different barns as structure scan tests (with 272 and 366 photos each) and am looking for a 3D model processor to create the actual model. I tried Reality Capture, but it may require a better graphics card than in my laptop (currently a Nvidia Geforce GTX). For testing purposes I can't justify buying a Pix4D subscription, so would appreciate other free or low cost reccommendations that pilots have had Yuneec success with to model a STRUCTURE SCAN.
Thanks in advance... Dan
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I finally also tried Structure Scan earlier today.

I did a small bunch of trees, just for the sake of testing SC option. I did all of the planning on site using DataPilot only and had impression that we must be very cautious about entry/exit hight. Am not sure but have a feeling that this parameter tends to go back to 0 any time the mission is reloaded. Not sure though.

Other thing that struck me was that battery swap was not working right. I mean when h520 resumes the mission it flies to the last point but with camera looking into the ground and taking NADIR pictures on the way. What was even worse bird flew straight towards the structure at last point altitude. Luckily as it was in the beginning of the mission it was still above the structure (trees) and flew clear of them. Otherwise it would collided with the trees.
Finally e90 continued taking NADIR images after resuming from the last waypoint of the previous part.

Would love to hear other pilots experience with SC planning/flying.

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