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The Yuneec Pilots Picture Game

Where are we on this as I'm lost ? And not in space

I do believe that It's Ricks turn to post a new picture for the challenge.
OK Thanks All......Lets go with Resort Marina Shots....!!!!! Our Company hosts a Fishing Tournament annually to raise funds for the "Wounded Veterans"

Hope you like it.

Please be safe out there everyone throughWESTIN HOTEL RESORT - REDFISH RODEO.jpgWESTIN HOTEL RESORT - REDFISH RODEO.jpg this difficult time.
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No it is called the Picture challenge game and the idea is that a challenge is posted and the first one to successfully take their drone and get a shot with the same elements and the challenge specifies - THAT person is then awarded the win and thus posts a new challenge. The main idea is that once a challenge is met the person who posted the challenge needs to be responsible for checking in and announcing if someone met the challenge and then passes it off.

Here are the rules for everyone to see and hopefully read thru so we can get this thing kicked off again if there is enough interest.


The rules are simple:

[1] All pictures posted must be taken with ANY of the Yuneec line of Cameras - from the Breeze, Q-500 line, on up through any of the Typhoon H's and Tornado 920's. No Exceptions.:)

[2] The challenge MUST be reasonable. Keep in mind this forum spans the globe - so for instance I would not ask for a picture of a Saturn V Rocket (I'm right down the road from Cape Kennedy) - since there are only a few examples here and a couple other places in the states - this would be an unreasonable challenge. So, if you make a challenge that is difficult it will slow things down and we don't want that. Be Specific and Simple: A picture of a barn = GOOD, a picture of a barn with three cows and a red rooster = BAD.

[3] To Respond to a Challenge - Take your aircraft out and take a picture that represents, to the best of your ability, what the Challenger has asked for. The first successful responder to any challenge gets to make the next challenge.

[5] There may be disagreements about whether challenges have been met or were too specific or impossible. The original poster has the first right to determine whether his/her challenge has been met. If we cannot come to a logical conclusion by that method the originator of the game (me?) or one of the moderators will serve as final referee. It's a dirty job but we have to have someone in this position, or the game could stall out.

[5] DO NOT post Pictures, Discussion, Video or Links that do not address the Previous Request or the game in general - as this will side track the process.

[6] If you post a picture as a response - WAIT to hear from the challenger that you have met the challenge BEFORE you post your challenge. If you make a challenge - it is your responsibility to check and acknowledge responders.

[7] If a challenge is not met, the challenger can (and should) meet their own requirement in order to move the game along. The idea is to keep the game fun, interesting and moving along. :)
No it is called the Picture challenge game and the idea is that a challenge is posted and the first one to successfully take their drone and get a shot with the same elements and the challenge specifies - THAT person is then awarded the win and thus posts a new challenge. The main idea is that once a challenge is met the person who posted the challenge needs to be responsible for checking in and announcing if someone met the challenge and then passes it off.

Here are the rules for everyone to see and hopefully read thru so we can get this thing kicked off again if there is enough interest.


The rules are simple:

[1] All pictures posted must be taken with ANY of the Yuneec line of Cameras - from the Breeze, Q-500 line, on up through any of the Typhoon H's and Tornado 920's. No Exceptions.:)

[2] The challenge MUST be reasonable. Keep in mind this forum spans the globe - so for instance I would not ask for a picture of a Saturn V Rocket (I'm right down the road from Cape Kennedy) - since there are only a few examples here and a couple other places in the states - this would be an unreasonable challenge. So, if you make a challenge that is difficult it will slow things down and we don't want that. Be Specific and Simple: A picture of a barn = GOOD, a picture of a barn with three cows and a red rooster = BAD.

[3] To Respond to a Challenge - Take your aircraft out and take a picture that represents, to the best of your ability, what the Challenger has asked for. The first successful responder to any challenge gets to make the next challenge.

[5] There may be disagreements about whether challenges have been met or were too specific or impossible. The original poster has the first right to determine whether his/her challenge has been met. If we cannot come to a logical conclusion by that method the originator of the game (me?) or one of the moderators will serve as final referee. It's a dirty job but we have to have someone in this position, or the game could stall out.

[5] DO NOT post Pictures, Discussion, Video or Links that do not address the Previous Request or the game in general - as this will side track the process.

[6] If you post a picture as a response - WAIT to hear from the challenger that you have met the challenge BEFORE you post your challenge. If you make a challenge - it is your responsibility to check and acknowledge responders.

[7] If a challenge is not met, the challenger can (and should) meet their own requirement in order to move the game along. The idea is to keep the game fun, interesting and moving along. :)

LOL....How long do these rules last before they wear out......posted how many times :)
While not up to the standard of Ricks marina photo. Here is a my shot of a matins of sorts.

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