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Thoughts on a problem.

Mar 2, 2017
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Since my crash due to magnetic interference last spring I feel my H isn't performing optimally.
I have a bit of drift when hovering.
At times it rotates on it's axis very slowly.
Descending can be very erratic with stops and starts.
Sometimes it refuses to descend.
It always descends normally a proper pace when switched to RTM mode.

I have done all the recalibrations several times but it doesn't help. I am thinking perhaps I should reinstall the last firmware update before going any further.

Any thoughts to share?
Hi there, that sounds pretty strange. Have you verified your st-16 sticks are showing smooth motion in the hardware monitor? Possibly recal those. On the H have you re-calibrated in a different location away from everything? BTW that is a huge cat in your pic. Love it.
Yup. Use the Hardware monitor and check the sticks very closely to see if they return to center. Move the sticks slowly and look for any glitches or jumps in the output.
I don't think it is a problem with the sticks. The problem seems to manifest itself most went there is a bit of wind. I will check the sticks in the hardware monitor all the same.
The way it seems to present itself is simply the rotation is suddenly extremely slow or non existent. In RTH it works fine. Also the same with descending. It will sit there, and maybe come down a meter or two, hang again and the drop quickly only to hang up once more. The only thing I can think of is that the programing is corrupted. Will reprogram as soon as I get a few minutes of time.
I tried reinstalling the firmware but I get a notice "Firmware is already up to date" and I cannot reinstall over the old one. I found an older firmware version on the Yuneec website but my drone will not recognize it and install it. My thoughts were to install a previous version and then reinstall the newest update over that. So far no luck. If I cannot get it fixed before tomorrow evening the drone will not be going to Ireland with us.
All sorts of trouble. I go to "About Controller" and it says "wifi not connected" even though I checked and it was. I get past that point and it says aircraft type can't be retrieved". Despite all this I can start up the TH normally and even fly it though I am still having trouble getting it to descend or rotate on it's axis.
Go to tablet/settings/scroll to the left 3 times and go to Flight modes and delete data. Now go to models and create a new model. Rebind the H and camera and perform all calibrations including calibrating the ST-16 via secret menu. This should get you back to stock.
All sorts of trouble. I go to "About Controller" and it says "wifi not connected" even though I checked and it was. I get past that point and it says aircraft type can't be retrieved". Despite all this I can start up the TH normally and even fly it though I am still having trouble getting it to descend or rotate on it's axis.
Follow the steps in this video starting at minute 2:24. Do every step just as shown. This will clear out your current settings and create a new model which may fix your issues. After you are finished, set up everything outside, turn on the ST16 and the H and let it sit for about 13 min with the motors off to let it finish the GPS update.

Did you check the sticks carefully in Flight Settings.....Hardware Monitor? Check it again after you finish the procedure above.
Follow the steps in this video starting at minute 2:24. Do every step just as shown. This will clear out your current settings and create a new model which may fix your issues. After you are finished, set up everything outside, turn on the ST16 and the H and let it sit for about 13 min with the motors off to let it finish the GPS update.

Did you check the sticks carefully in Flight Settings.....Hardware Monitor? Check it again after you finish the procedure above.
Steve? Which Video? I think you forgot the link.
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Go to tablet/settings/scroll to the left 3 times and go to Flight modes and delete data. Now go to models and create a new model. Rebind the H and camera and perform all calibrations including calibrating the ST-16 via secret menu. This should get you back to stock.
charlie..I'm not seeing any extra screens in setting of the tablet menu.
The models menu is accessed on the face of the -16, not through the Pad. You'll be using two different tool sets.
Thanks for the input guys. Unfortunately, the default update methods do not work as the st16 simply informs you the version you are now using is up to date. At that point, it stops. Downloading an older version available on the Yuneec website simply will not install. probably due to differences in the st16 and Typhoon firmware i.e. the older system I try to install in the TH is not compatible with the new system in the ST16.

Well, The TH is staying at home this trip. It looks like all the dreams I had of cool pictures of the wild Irish coast and cool castles are going to have to wait. Having said that, the weather forecast is quite crappy. A lot of wind and rain (which is what makes Ireland so green) and there is a good chance I wouldn't be able to fly anyway. I have written Yuneec to start the process of getting it fixed but I am convinced this is going to be a long and tiring process. But who knows, I might be surprised.

I sincerely appreciate all your efforts.

Thanks for the input guys. Unfortunately, the default update methods do not work as the st16 simply informs you the version you are now using is up to date. At that point, it stops. Downloading an older version available on the Yuneec website simply will not install. probably due to differences in the st16 and Typhoon firmware i.e. the older system I try to install in the TH is not compatible with the new system in the ST16. Scott
Of the 3 possible causes for this behavior, the firmware would be the least likely. The other 2 are (A) hardware related in the ST16 or (B) the Flight Data stored for you model which includes calibrations and the way the ST communicates commands to the H.
In the video I asked if you could start the process beginning at minute 2:24. That process has the best chance of correcting your issue. You still need to verify that the hardware is responding correctly and you do that with Hardware Monitor. Reinstalling the firmware generally cannot be done in the field.

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