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Two H's, one ST16 and one Wizard. Add together and...



OK, if I take the regular H with the ST16, fly it up high enough, just hover and aim the camera to catch the next action, start the video. Leave it and put the ST16 down.

Which is fly a RealSense Pro with the Wizard in Watch Me mode, start video first, while making an 5 minute oval obstacle course run traveling through trees, the oval course being within the view of the first camera up high.

Finish obstacle course, land Wizard copter, run over to ST16 and land the regular H. One person without help, with 2 videos documenting the RealSense operation.

Will this work?
Depends on how nimble you are getting the Real Sense H in the air, run the course, land with a wizard (sucks) and then land the first H with your ST16.

Point being: I NEVER get more than 17 minutes from a battery. Both of mine are now down to about 13-15 minute flight time. If you can hover the first H above an area that it can auto land due to low battery without a problem. Reduces risk. and I suppose a hover will increase flight time.

This does beg the question, why not just get a second pilot to help you? Why risk an uncontrolled landing.

You will be sharing the videos...right?

I have to agree with River on this one.
I want to be there and watch as you single handed wrangle two aircraft at once. Is it doable? YES
Will you be puckered the whole time? YES.
Id like to see film of you doing this let alone video from the H.
And they call me crazy:D
A good project is 99% good planning and preparation. I'm 1% or 2% into the planning stage at present.
Ray, can't see why it should not work if copters are binded right.
I tried already putting the wizard on another copter, to have the TH following and recording another DIY copter during an autonomous mission. Unfortunately I put the TH too much close, so it risked a couple of times to hit the other copter. I had to abort and land the other copter manually and then land the TH. The main problem seemed to be the communication between the wizard and the TH, as the wizard was mounted close to a Gopro, which is well known as RF noisy, and a telemetry tx.
On this subject I really would like the possibility to recover priority with the St16, from the St16 itself.
I agree, a good planning is a great part for success.
ray i said it before and i'll say it again you are a brave man ;if pull it off i hope you post the video
After long and careful reflection, I decided not to do this. Not afraid to try it; what's a few pennies when you're having fun, right.

Here's the thing: There is no way I can do it without skeptics claiming I cheated. Had a 2nd person helping. Photo-shopped the whole thing.
I hereby freely give the challenge to any member who wants to step up to the plate and score a touchdown.

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