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Typhoon H Mark II now available

May 10, 2016
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Melvin Michigan, In the thumb
Since my H is back from a blotched repair job, I have had time to think about what I would want if I could design one myself.
1) Good return to home, always lands with in a few feet of take off spot.
2) Never would suffer major damage in a crash.
3) Would never suffer from accelerometer or compass errors.
4) Would never have to worry about NFZ's.
5) Great battery life.
6) Easy to maintain and transport.
7) Would never suffer a fly away.
8) would always remain in line of site.

Now I am pretty good with electronics, I can solder. I have written several programs in C and programmed PIC micros. How hard can this all be.
So after several days of stewing over the demise of my H, I present to you the Typhoon H Mark II.


Let me know if there is enough interest I may consider mass production.
I'd buy it if it had auto launch but the H Mark II looks like all manual controls (Too Complicated). BTW you said your H is demised yet it looks like you took this photo with it :)
Since my H is back from a blotched repair job, I have had time to think about what I would want if I could design one myself.
1) Good return to home, always lands with in a few feet of take off spot.
2) Never would suffer major damage in a crash.
3) Would never suffer from accelerometer or compass errors.
4) Would never have to worry about NFZ's.
5) Great battery life.
6) Easy to maintain and transport.
7) Would never suffer a fly away.
8) would always remain in line of site.

Now I am pretty good with electronics, I can solder. I have written several programs in C and programmed PIC micros. How hard can this all be.
So after several days of stewing over the demise of my H, I present to you the Typhoon H Mark II.

View attachment 3519

Let me know if there is enough interest I may consider mass production.

I am pretty sure Hasbro already has a patent on this design.
Will you be selling prop guards or any other accessories? Is the backpack still on back-order? What is the range on the MarkII without mods? I've heard reports from DerStig that image quality isn't as good as the gopro can you confirm this?
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Geesh.....had it one day and the first flight it went straight for the ceiling fan. Looked like it was trying to mate with it. Woke up this morning and there are little flies everywhere.
What's up with this thing? Do I need to get a sterilization mod?
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