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typoon h plus fpv

You really can’t fly FPV with a WiFi connection. It’s not fun even with their goggles. I put a Fat Shark rig on an extra 480 I own and that’s in real time but still not fun. It’s so busy working on stability that the motion is weird and disorienting. And the braking and movements jerky reactions make you too nervous in the goggles. You can try it but I wouldn’t waste money on their wrap around goggles. I use mine for my observers or directors so they get a good view of our intended shots but I won’t pilot with them.
I carry my FPV with me also. I will not use them to fly around, to nervous what I can't see, especially birds.
Many times I've had folks come up and enjoy seeing the H flying.
I usually ask if they would like to see what it's like looking down from the camera? They walk away in aw and happy for the experience.
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Thanks not a big fan FPV getting to old ha ha will save my money thanks again
One possible use I have never had a chance to test with goggles would be in team mode. I'm curious if it would help the camera operator to get smoother pans. Considering that the goggles are only $40 on eBay, it's a cheap experiment.
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Hmm, interesting.

I only (mostly) fly FPV. I would give the hobby up if I only flew line of sight, so boring IMO.

I have been flying FPV for several years since it became practical. Prior to my 480 H, I flew hand built 500mm - 900mm sized hand built rigs using the excepted 5.8ghz VTX/RX systems with associated issues, mainly resolution. When I got the 480H over two years ago and saw the Wifi 780p vtx in good goggles, it was a revelation. It is just awesome. The H Plus is incrementally better simply as the camera seems to transmit better, however my rig is in Yuneec customer service due to a live video stream pixilation issue discussed on a separate thread here.

Given that, there is a disorientation that occurs at first. You will initially have a disorientation and your head will move left and right which will make your body follow. There is a learning curve to FPV and any virtual goggle environment. Even now, I make sure I am rooted in my position either sitting with the controller to prevent 'walking' as my head follows the craft, or kneeling and standing with a tripod to hold the ST16 and myself relative.

I see everything : 1) my actual distance to the subject at 200' to allow me to see I am 2 feet, 10 feet or 20 feet away. This is impossible in LOS. 2) I can see my distance over the waves much more precisely allowing me to get closer and fly more precisely as I follow the crashing waves as I skim between 2' to 5' over them. 3) I can see birds, skim the ground, fly towards and around rocks and trees. As long as I am flying forwards the control is much better. If I loose spacial orientation to the left or right, I will hover and yaw to verify distance to obstacles and continue. Of course, I do this as I am flying in close proximity which I could not do in LOS. Also, I fly very slow, typically turtle or such, as I enjoy the flight and seeing what is there.

My current googles are the Avegant Glyphs that allow LOS by simply tilting my head up to see past the googles. This is really like having the ST16 display wrapped around your eyes, and titling your head up to see the bird itself; it is better : these googles are insanely sharp and are better then my 4k editing screen. When taking off I have true LOS, then tip by head to allow the google view and start flying. Any uncertainty I simply tip my head and directly see the bird. This is essentially no different then focusing on the ST16 screen and chimping your head up and down to maintain contact of the H and the controller.

One difference is flying higher, 100 feet or more, I feel disconnected, and tend to loose my 'grounding' to the area I am flying in. I think when flying LOS it is actually more comfortable flying at higher altitudes where your view angle is much greater then in FPV.
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Thanks for the great detailed response. Can you post a link for your headset? That all makes sense.
I wonder if I can wear them over my glasses? My far vision without glasses is good enough for a VLOS but I don’t like it. I usually focus my FPV cameras for my fat shark headsets but this is obviously a different application and set up. Still, price was low enough that I’m sure I’ll find a good us. I’ll come back to this thread once I’ve given them a go.
I wonder if I can wear them over my glasses? My far vision without glasses is good enough for a VLOS but I don’t like it. I usually focus my FPV cameras for my fat shark headsets but this is obviously a different application and set up. Still, price was low enough that I’m sure I’ll find a good us. I’ll come back to this thread once I’ve given them a go.
Yes you can, I wear glasses also. These will also hook up to a DSLR camera, at least mine does.

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