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UAV Toolbox - New release August 16th - 2.3.0

Jun 9, 2016
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Hi guys,

After a long pause, I'm pleased to say there is a new version of UAV Toolbox out today!

The long awaited fix for location searches on the Mission page is in, as well as some bug fixes for crashes during summary generation (relating to corrupt video files).

The new features for this release are:

* Big improvements to maps - better performance, better map loading, pinch to zoom
* an editable Location field in the Summary page - so you can edit the address of your flight (or look it up online) before you synchronise your flight to the website
* fetch weather information online for Summaries
* improved summary page layout (and a few other layout fixes which could cause problems occasionally).

You can get the new release here: UAV Toolbox - Yuneec ST-16 - thanks for your patience!
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Hi guys,

After a long pause, I'm pleased to say there is a new version of UAV Toolbox out today!

The long awaited fix for location searches on the Mission page is in, as well as some bug fixes for crashes during summary generation (relating to corrupt video files).

The new features for this release are:

* an editable Location field in the Summary page - so you can edit the address of your flight (or look it up online) before you synchronise your flight to the website
* fetch weather information online for Summaries
* improved summary page layout (and a few other layout fixes which could cause problems occasionally).

You can get the new release here: UAV Toolbox - Yuneec ST-16 - thanks for your patience!
Good to hear from you @Tuna!
Thank you so much for all your work with the system Tuna. It is really appreciated and very vital to the work of the H pilots.
Oh how I wish we had a similar product for the H PLUS!
PX4 is so like Pixhawk, and you can do so much using MP or QGC or even SOLEX with a SOLO/Pixhawk.
Wishful thinking I know.
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I have only recently learned how to use your utility. I’ve built a couple of missions but have not tried them yet. Your active support is a real boost to my confidence. Thank you!
I had a brief conversation with Andy and asked if a mapping/survey feature was possible to add to a future release of UAV Toolbox. While there was no promise, he also didn't rule it out.
So, I thought I would do a quick survey to see what the interest is. Please respond to the following questions.

1) Would a mapping/survey feature similar to "DataPilot" be useful to you? (reply 1-2-3-4- or 5) where 1 is no interest and 5 is high interest.

2) If a mapping/survey feature was added to UAV Toolbox, would you be willing to pay a surcharge over the base app cost ($18USD) if so how much $0.00, $5.00, $10.00?
Thanks for participating, I will start it off with my response next
1. 5
2. $5 to $10

I also prefer Google Maps/Earth, but I’m sure the SDK’s are totally different.

I just looked at the info on the Google Map SDK and it requires a working Google Play which the ST-16 does not have, it is crippled. @Tuna may be able to shed more light on this subject.
Thanks guys, I'm glad you're getting value out of it!

The eagle eyed amongst you will have spotted that I've updated the first post. I've bumped the version with some map fixes thanks to some useful feedback from users. Maps now load better, display faster and (at last) you can pinch to zoom which makes getting around a lot easier.

To put the grid planning feature in context, it would cost me (say) a couple of thousand bucks just to build a bare bones version - so at $5 a head, I'd need to know 400 people would want it to just break even. Anyone who has looked at the price of using Pix4D or Drone Deploy will know that these guys charge many times more than UAV Toolbox, with good reason - developing complex, usable software is an expensive business.
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Thanks guys, I'm glad you're getting value out of it!

The eagle eyed amongst you will have spotted that I've updated the first post. I've bumped the version with some map fixes thanks to some useful feedback from users. Maps now load better, display faster and (at last) you can pinch to zoom which makes getting around a lot easier.

To put the grid planning feature in context, it would cost me (say) a couple of thousand bucks just to build a bare bones version - so at $5 a head, I'd need to know 400 people would want it to just break even. Anyone who has looked at the price of using Pix4D or Drone Deploy will know that these guys charge many times more than UAV Toolbox, with good reason - developing complex, usable software is an expensive business.

That’s why I would have no problem shelling over $50 easily [ed: or more.]

I know the effort it takes to produce good code. The dark circles under my eyes are a clue. And my code may not be that good; just gets the job done!

I should add... I would be willing to contribute the aforementioned [funds] toward UAV Toolbox, even though I have an H520. I want to see the H and H Plus continue to thrive, plus it would give me two more backup craft if they can supplement the H520 in a pinch.

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Hi tuna,
You can count me in for $ 100 for a version for the H 480 at any time.
Johnno Hennessy. Keep flying on the green side of the grass.
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