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Unable to get into calibrate compass mode.

May 8, 2017
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I press "Settings Calibration"
I press "Calibration"
I press "Compass"


All light remain on

Back light blinking blue

Yes, I have flown the thing so I know it is bound. I can move the camera. But it will not enter Compass mode.
I'm thinking this is related to the update process, clearing flight data and rebinding. I suggest following this video which starts at 2:22.

By the way, after you clear the flight data you will need to do all the calibrations. When you turn on the H outside on your first flight, let it sit after boot with the motors off, for about 13 minutes. It will take that much time for the GPS to update fully to your location. You only need to do that on the first flight.
Also if you do all these calibrations remove camera and slide back on. I did this yesterday (pain in the butt to up date) and my camera wasn't working, found post on this form and wallah, it works.
I press "Settings Calibration"
I press "Calibration"
I press "Compass"


All light remain on

Back light blinking blue

GM Rev. hiflyer here. handle is Ed. Yesterday I received a very nice well cared for Yuneec H with lots of extras. I have a
super 6 motor huge build. In comparison to size. My build is about 3 Plus sizes larger! hi Anyway, I'm impressed with my new toy. I have the the Yuneec Q500 too and had all kinds of problems with that. Thanks to a very good member or two. All worked out. However; had the same problem as U are having. I hit the Calibration icon to open the menu, then the Compass and then the Calibration. I was outside with nothing The H went into Calibration mode and the Blue lite, I turned to the left so I had the other side of the crafts blinking lite on the right and I flipped it forward and when the other lites started blinking, I rotated it towards me and turned it forward around and the next set of lites blinked and so on. When done. All the lites stayed on and a Blue lite in the back was on. I hit the mode switch upper right corner on the face of the transmitter to "S". All at once, the green lite on the bottom came on. I hit the Red Start button and the H fired up. I turned to the "A" switch on and all worked fine.
I downloaded a manual and went thru the set up and I followed the lites in Calibration order as it shows. Try it and see what happens. Can be Frustrating but stick with it. Ask for help and others will help. Great Group of Pilots and advisors.
OK, Thanks for the Help. I re-bonded the craft and all works as advertised.

New potential problem. Yesterday on my first time out, I did not catch the warning about depleting the batteries too far. Should I trust these batteries or by new ones. They both seemed to recharge ok. I used one today and did not let it go past 2 bars. Obviously going to need to get a checker for the batteries. Again Thanks.
OK, Thanks for the Help. I re-bonded the craft and all works as advertised.

New potential problem. Yesterday on my first time out, I did not catch the warning about depleting the batteries too far. Should I trust these batteries or by new ones. They both seemed to recharge ok. I used one today and did not let it go past 2 bars. Obviously going to need to get a checker for the batteries. Again Thanks.
Hello Rev, 'for short'. hi I would say, if you have an ohm meter. the front of the battery facing you and the 2nd pin from the left is the positive lead and the connection on the right is the negative. Put the ohm meter on correct 'dc volts'
and measure the output. I had one good battery with my H I just received and it was used. Very nice shape and care. 2nd battery tested at 15.2 volts, dc and the 1st battery was fully charged and measured 16.58 volts. the 3 battery has minor swelling but test the same after charge of 16.57 volts.
Charge your batteries and measure voltage and you should be in the ball park of the 16.57! Depending on the battery and age. New, perhaps would show 16.80? plus or minus but not much. To start, fly at shorter times. 10 minutes or so and then check the battery after cool down. I put the batteries in the fridge to cool down and then charge. They usually pick up a couple of reading on the point volt side. example: 16 point 1 used ten minutes, may be 15.0 volts. cook down, 15.2 or 15.3. Hope this helps and good flying. Steve up a Calibration and other info. Good man and very reliable as many others.
Good Flying and Safe.

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