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Dec 2, 2018
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I went to fly the h tonight after having some fun with the mavic mini which so far is cool. Now tonight I wanted some fun with the h. Everything booted up perfectly, 14 satellites, GPS was ready, camera was fine but it wouldn't start. Go figure because I have made more mistakes than most of you have made all together. Any ideas?
Did the Controller display "Ready"?
How many sats were showing for the controller?
Did you hear any rapid beeps from the controller?
What color was the status light? Solid color or occasional white flash?
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The st16 said ready and plenty of satellites. I'm going out now and try again.
I went to the park and all seemed well. It flew and finally the camera came on and at about 20 feet up the camera came of and landed on cement. The rubber sled at the bottom of the cgo3t became loose. It still flies and turns over but not sure if the camera is damaged. How can the rubber runners be adhered because it still slides on. It's called the curse of peter or the bowman breakem' and weep!
It seems that the camera slides on and connects sometimes but takes longer than usual and seems to be ok when I push the camera down onto the little gold connectors it seems ok. The connection I mean. Late last night I put the drone on my table upside down and reslid the camera on again and the same result. The camera came on. Pan,tilt etc all fine. Then this morning same kind of deal. 18 satellites and said ready finally and it fired up took off etc. The screen showed that the camera was doing what it's supposed to do and then it fell to the ground.

What I suspect happened is after a few bad landings the rubber skis came loose but the camera connected because of the weight of the camera on top of it. The skis are still on there but one has popped out on one end but is still there as is the other one. May I send you a photo privately via email as my curse carries over trying to put photos on the forum. You are more than welcome to put the pic on the forum. Let me emphasize that the rubber skis are still partially on or even a fair amount. At this point after the camera fell off onto the only narrow cement jogging path in the park (I was alone in the entire park). I just need to get those things to snap or go into place and hope the camera itself is not damaged.
Will the mounts on the cgo3 work on the cg3t?
Do you mean the rubbers? There are a few now which are fitting the ones on the left of picture, they give greater clearance, some have had chaffing of wires of slipknot with a crash. The part no are a bit mixed up!


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I've had problems with pressing the red start button many times. In my case, it seems to be related to location. At my daughters house, it is sometimes a problem. At my house, never.

Obviously GPS should be ready and plenty of satellites, usually over 10. I try to point it north but am not sure this has any effect>
Thanks for the info. I had no problem in the park this morning starting and GPS was ready and 18 satellites. I believe the problem is strictly with the cgo3t and the camera mount. However when the camera fell it could have damaged the gimbal. I went to best buy a few hours ago where I bought it and they want the whole drone. I did insure it with them(probably geek squad) where they will assuredly want to send it to kav. I have no patience with best buy when it comes to drones so my wife is there now talking to them because she is calmer than moi. I instructed her to not have them send it to anyone because they doubtfully have no idea what's going on at kav. Also all yuneec drones are gone including the showcase shells. I also told her that the h and q are obsolete and not to have these geek squad folks mess with her head. The drone is fine and not flown much at all so why not have the camera checked out and if it's ok then how about a new mount for the bottom or top which ever they call it. I saw on BH a plate for a cg03 but it's probably not the same although it looks the same. Sorry for all of the babbling.
It gets weirder. My wife just called me from best buy. At first the guy told her they would send me a new h as per insurance. I spoke with the guy and I told him the h was obsolete and he checked and I was right so for another 800 bucks he would send me a new h plus. I said forget it. He said they could send it to be repaired and told him that won't work either. I could get a mantis g or an analfi with the credit I have. I told Carole to bring it home and I need your advice. I love the h and I really don't want another foldable drone. Help?
I'm new to this and still learning how to fly my second hand H. But I did notice when I first got it and was exploring how everything came together, that for me at least, I had trouble getting the camera back on. Thought I had it several times, but could see it was not straight in relation to the drone. The rails/skis are very small and it's possible to only have one side connected. Even though I don't use the camera every flight while I'm learning, I never take it off, now that it's on correctly. (Yes, I know it is a good idea to not fly with the camera while learning.) So one thing to make sure of is the the mount is fully engaged on both sides. Another option if you are worried about it coming off is connect a small leash of fishing line or something between the drone and camera mount so if it comes off it doesn't fall to the ground.
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I haven't had any problems sliding it on and always check. True the two skis should always be firm and even though one had popped out or came apart I still got it to slide on with no problem and when I turned it over to it's fly side I always give it a slight tug and look to see that everything is even. The camera was always much easier to slide on than the q gimbal. I had a few rough landings but nothing serious so I guess the tracks slowly became loose.
I always think the the H is old/ discontinued, not obsolete, like the Arnold Schwarzenegger line in the last Terminator movie!
Thanks for the info. I had no problem in the park this morning starting and GPS was ready and 18 satellites. I believe the problem is strictly with the cgo3t and the camera mount. However when the camera fell it could have damaged the gimbal. I went to best buy a few hours ago where I bought it and they want the whole drone. I did insure it with them(probably geek squad) where they will assuredly want to send it to kav. I have no patience with best buy when it comes to drones so my wife is there now talking to them because she is calmer than moi. I instructed her to not have them send it to anyone because they doubtfully have no idea what's going on at kav. Also all yuneec drones are gone including the showcase shells. I also told her that the h and q are obsolete and not to have these geek squad folks mess with her head. The drone is fine and not flown much at all so why not have the camera checked out and if it's ok then how about a new mount for the bottom or top which ever they call it. I saw on BH a plate for a cg03 but it's probably not the same although it looks the same. Sorry for all of the babbling.
Peter..recently I was flying the H and crashed upon landing damaging 3/4 dampening Mts you are talking of I believe..çalled service and they could send me the parts..10$...I opted to send in..took 7 wks.170$...but she is perfect again...there is lite at the end of the tunnel...lol
I would never try to keep the camera on like you suggested for a few reasons. The reason you probably waited is because it must have been to kav. Justin the camera guy wasn't around the last time I drove there in late Oct. or early nov. You can find what's going on at kav by listening to Jeff sibelius's audio explanations about this subject. I just want to find out if the actual camera is fixable or if all I need is to find another mount. I would rather fly the h without the camera than a new drone because I have a few more drones that I can use for videos.
May I send you a photo privately via email as my curse carries over trying to put photos on the forum. You are more than welcome to put the pic on the forum.

The picture came across via email, and it is posted below. Those rails cannot be repaired effectivily. You will need to replace the top mount. The bad news is that they are in scarce supply. @Steve Carr was working with someone to 3D print replacements. Last I heard, he had sent some comments to improve the first examples that were printed. Perhaps he has an update on them.
This is link is to Vertigo Drones, but the listing implies they are not in stock: "Mount Set: Yuneec Typhoon H CGO3+"
The actual part number is :YUNCGO3P105

I doubt your actual camera is damaged right now. But it would, of course, be in danger if it falls off again.

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