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What to use to repair the landing gear mechanism???

May 20, 2017
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San Antonio
Hello everyone. I have a typhoon H, lets just say it is a love hate relationship.... I Literally clipped a leaf and I had a hard landing (bumped the ground hard toilet bowl style) followed by a fly away! so in the process the landing gear snapped at the metal armature in the servo. The rest of the gear is just fine. So being the fix it guy I am, I tried using super glue and a vice to put it back together, it worked, well at least until I flipped it over and put the drone's weight on it!

I don't really have an extra 50 bucks laying around as I spent my budget on a new power distribution board I mentioned the fly away, H+pond = NO BUENO). So my question is this, does anyone sell just the metal armature linkage piece? If not what can I use to put the pieces of metal back together? Any suggestions would be really appreciated.
Hello everyone. I have a typhoon H, lets just say it is a love hate relationship.... I Literally clipped a leaf and I had a hard landing (bumped the ground hard toilet bowl style) followed by a fly away! so in the process the landing gear snapped at the metal armature in the servo. The rest of the gear is just fine. So being the fix it guy I am, I tried using super glue and a vice to put it back together, it worked, well at least until I flipped it over and put the drone's weight on it!

I don't really have an extra 50 bucks laying around as I spent my budget on a new power distribution board I mentioned the fly away, H+pond = NO BUENO). So my question is this, does anyone sell just the metal armature linkage piece? If not what can I use to put the pieces of metal back together? Any suggestions would be really appreciated.
A picture might help.
Sorry photos focus is off, I imagine this is not an uncommon issue from what I have read...


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I took the servos apart and clamped the pieces together in my mini vice and allowed the super glue to cure overnight, but it just didnt work out. Has anyone maybe scanned this part and printed it?
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I have never had much luck with jb weld. thinking maybe epoxy with a thin mesh along both side to keep it rigid? or maybe drilling holes on both sides and using a piece of aluminum to scab the pieces together?
IIdeally I am hoping someone has access to a 3d printer and will sell some armatures for cheap :)
I have never had much luck with jb weld. thinking maybe epoxy with a thin mesh along both side to keep it rigid? or maybe drilling holes on both sides and using a piece of aluminum to scab the pieces together?
IIdeally I am hoping someone has access to a 3d printer and will sell some armatures for cheap :)
Yeah super glue not right choice. Jbweld nope. Epoxy alone nope.. epoxy with cloth (carbon, fiberglass, kevlar) wrapped around joint. Maybe. But now drilling holes in and adding a rod to bridge the gap. Sure. But by the time yo buy all you need to do it and it fail right away or in a few landings. It would be cheaper to just buy the new part.
Just a thought....look up super glue and baking soda videos on YouTube. There are a lot of uses for it. Dries hard as a rock.
Thanks for the suggestions, I need to clarify the part is the metal arm that connects to the carbon fiber down strut.. Seems this is a weak link in the landing gear, I am having a hard time believing there isn't a cheaper "Ala carte" part to repair the servo. I am leaning towards Shadowwolf's suggestion using the 3m. Shadowwolf do you think it would be worth laying in a small piece of fiber to reinforce the horizontal?? There are two concave areas in the metal that would still allow the gear to retract easily. Unfortunately, as I said, I blew my budget getting this bird, then had it flyaway, wrecked the landing gear, shorted out one esc on the board, and ripped the wiring out of the gimbal. Yuneec refuses to acknowledge the fly away as it happened after I grazed the tree, broke the prop and "crashed" (aka bumped the ground toilet bowl style). It is simply not in my budget to spend 60 bucks (30$ x 2) after the expenses I have already gone through. This should be a 10$ part to replace, not the whole servo.
The design of the component is such that makeshift repairs will not achieve much success. It is also designed as a modular assembly to permit ease of servicing. It was not designed to be replaced one small piece at a time so individual parts are not made available. If repair funds are that tight it might pay to fly where you have little or nothing allowing for a collision.
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The problem with this repair is the joint. You will have to some how bridge the joint. If not any Simi hard landing will cause the joint to buckle and fail again. So yes if you can use the concave part to bridge the joint then I would do so.
I thought you only needed one? So that would be 30$. If you just need to bide some time till you can afford the new part then give the adhesive a try. But just so you know once the 3m adhesive is opened that's it there is no saving the rest. It will be good for a couple days but will cure in the tube also. So when you look at the price of the adhesive at about $10 then your your half your 1/3 the way to a new part..
Scenario> You fix the leg and fly a couple of flights then land hard. It breaks again and you lose two props - and stress one of the motor arms unbeknownst to you. Fix the leg again; and replace two props. Then go out and fly a few more times and the motor arm lets go in flight. Impossible, Possible, or likely? Either way, I would replace;)
Don't know why but the situation reminds me of golf. Buy an expensive set of clubs but only one ball. Lose the ball and get shut out of the game for a month.
If this were a golf anology... buys expensive set of clubs, after the eight swing, the driver head comes loose. Golf Club mfg says, nope not under warranty, can't prove it didn't come apart from hitting something other than golf balls. Spend money budgeted for balls fixing the golf club. Then get made fun of by people at the club for not having money for balls. Should have stuck to the public course.... haha.
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