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Which filters do I need?

Mar 13, 2020
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I ordered a H Plus and it is due to arrive tomorrow. At first I will get use to the aircraft and then I will start using it initially for Real Estate and some events.

What filters would you recommend are good to have for those and other common use situations.

Also aside from getting more batteries is there any other items/accessories that are good to have?

Thanks for any advice and help.
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Extra props are worth the investment, and a third party charger for starters.
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The only company that made filter sets for the C23 and E90 no longer make them so you'll need to use the filter adapter and then shop for standard (if memory serves correctly) 40.5 mm filter. You can find sets for very little but you need to be mindful that a heavy filter can make gimbal operation inconstant or even fail. There are many thread already on this forum so I won't go into details but; for video I find an ND 16 and a ND 32 (very sunny days) are my most used. Don't use filters when shooting photos.
If you are just doing photos you really don't need filters and unless you are shooting video in very strong sunlight you can probably get by without them also. If you do get any an ND8, ND16, and ND32 will be the most used.For photos be sure to capture in DNG as you will have much more latitude in post processing.
Thanks a lot for all that advice, I will grab those that you mentioned to have on hand if I ever need them. I will order extra props and a battery charge station. Is there any brand to get or stay away from in the aftermarket field?

Is the Wizard worth getting?
The wizard doesn't work with the H Plus, only Q500 series and H480.

Any good quality charger that will accommodate the LiHV batteries will do, but it is hard to find the needed adapter cable in the US (the one for the Typhoon H/H Pro H480 series has a different connector and won't work). The DY5 will allow you to both full and storage charge on your Power4P batteries.
Thanks for letting me know on that before I bought it. I will check out the DY5, what do you know about this product? It was mentioned by Captain Drone on YouTube.

Thanks again
what do you know about this product? It was mentioned by Captain Drone on YouTube.
That is only for use with DJI batteries and it is way over priced. If you use the DY5 you will not need anything else.

He has a list for the models he can make and Yuneec is on there. But if the DY5 is better, I think I will go with that.

I just looked at the B&H post, I will most likely order from there.
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But if the DY5 is better, I think I will go with that.
The only purpose of that Phantom Angle is to discharge the batteries. The DY5 has a storage mode which discharges the batteries to the proper level. Normally you would not charge the batteries less than 24 hrs before you fly. So after you finish flying, use the storage mode to store the batteries. If you charge a battery and don't use it, then do the same. Put it in storage mode.
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The only purpose of that Phantom Angle is to discharge the batteries. The DY5 has a storage mode which discharges the batteries to the proper level. Normally you would not charge the batteries less than 24 hrs before you fly. So after you finish flying, use the storage mode to store the batteries. If you charge a battery and don't use it, then do the same. Put it in storage mode.
That is a very good point and makes the decision even easier for me. I will be ordering it tonight, is there a certain brand of props that are good to get and ones to stay away from?
is there a certain brand of props that are good to get and ones to stay away from?
Absolutely. Don't use anything other than OEM props. They are balanced and have the proper flex for the H Plus/H520. (Same prop)
Never use aftermarket props. They are known to break in flight and have caused my crashes.
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@Steve Carr Thanks a lot, I just ordered a set. I'm looking at the batteries now, what is a fair price for one? I want to make sure I don't over pay.
Be careful when buying the batts. It's easy to get them confused with the H (H480) batteries. The H Plus/H520 use LiHV lipos. Right now the options are limited.
I got a set of these and found them a godsend when flying farout . They make it very easy to know which way the H is flying. They have their own battery and last for apponehour to onehout fifteen minutes depending on which of the five settings you use. Don't just purchase them from this site look around first as I only used the link as an example.
This is the battery charger to get.
SkyRC Q200 QUATTRO AC/DC 2X100W 2X50W Lipo Battery Balance Charger Discharger

It can charge four batteries so you shouldn't need any other chargers. I would also recommend these temperature sensing units for piece of mind. You would need four of them if you go with the charger I proposed. Charging LIPO batteries is a serious thing as they can explode and cause a fires. You will also need a metal fire safe box or cabinet to charge and store your batteries in and some lipo safe pouches for proper transport.
Hope this helps.
I got a set of these and found them a godsend when flying farout . They make it very easy to know which way the H is flying. They have their own battery and last for apponehour to onehout fifteen minutes depending on which of the five settings you use. Don't just purchase them from this site look around first as I only used the link as an example.
Can that be fitted on a H480/H+ with the RealSense module?
Can that be fitted on a H480/H+ with the RealSense module?

Yes I have them on my HPlus with the realsense module without any problems. The bracket is made specially for the H gimbal bracket and the fit is snug. It also has screws on each side that holds the lights in the position of your choice. The batters is built into eich light and charged by a mini usb lead which is supplied.
Shop around as I found that Youneek in Europe had them cheaper that I paid elsewhere :rolleyes:. If you get them you will be amazed as to how easily you can see the H and its direction from reilly far out. The lights are reily berry bright.
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