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Won't calibrate and loses GPS and won't reconnect after update

Jun 19, 2016
Reaction score
Maybe someone here can help. Did the latest update and was going to calibrate the compass since I have read so much about the issues that others are having. I haven't flown this in two months since I jumped on the DJI buss. So what's happening is once everything is powered p and connected I go into the calibrate menu and try to start the compass calibration. Ive done this many times since may when I first got the TH. When I hit the button I get a warning that GPS was lost and it does nothing after that. It gets stuck on acquiring and unless I shut down and restart it stays that way? any Ideas ?? Thanks
Did you rebind both the H and camera after update? If not, then do so. Also recalibrate acc and gimbal. It may take awhile to acquire satellites the first time after update. Are the lights blinking on the arms to start compass calibration?
My old one failed loads of times before getting a good compass calibration. I took it back to the shop. That is the only way to fix it unfortunately.
Thanks RR,, yes I did rebind and turns out I just needed to pick it up and start rotating,,lol .. It's been a while since I've used it.

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