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Firmware and OEM Manuals


After make ST16+ factory data reset i have only live video from Typhoon H camera, no any control.

I will try to update firmware ST16_V3.1.30.yuneec on my st16+ but "update failed!".

help my please to find another way
I think my ST16+ hardware is not working, because on the Hardware Monitor screen no any movement of knobs is detected
I downloaded both the files on a micro. When I try ST16 update it says "upgrade package not found" What do I need to do Diff?
I downloaded both the files on a micro. When I try ST16 update it says "upgrade package not found" What do I need to do Diff?
Your mention of "both" files is a little concerning. Please clarify what you are trying to accomplish. I assume you are updating an ST16 for Typhoon H to latest firmware, but it would be best to be sure. The TH ST16 itself only uses one file. But yeah, there are often two files downloaded together. Not a problem if you just mean you have those two files on the card.

Which files did you put on the SD card?
Also, where did you get the files?
Please check the ST16 firmware page to let us know which version is currently installed.
Last edited:
I got the files from the link on the first comment here. Typhoon H Firmware / Manuals
It said to download two files.
Yes, I'm trying to update to the version, post 2017, that's been said to work the best.
st16_v3.1.30.yuneec and
typhoonH_3.04_A.bin are the names of the two files.
Currently have
I got the files from the link on the first comment here. Typhoon H Firmware / Manuals
Currently have
Your ST16 controller is already on that version of firmware. I'm not sure why it will not refresh the update. I've heard others say the firmware will not upgrade unless the new version has a higher version number. But mine refreshes with no problems.

The Drone/camera versions related to the second file are not bad. The Autopilot and camera are current. The gimbal is maybe one revision back. I DO NOT recommend trying to update the gimbal. There is a trap. The very newest CGo3+ cameras came with a different IMU mounted for the gimbal. Most CGo3+ cameras have the original IMU. They use version 1.25 as the newest firmware. The later cameras that used the boxed type IMU use Version 1.27 firmware as the newest firmware. The two versions are not compatible. If the update tries to install version 1.27 on a camera using the original IMU, it will wreck the camera in a way that cannot be corrected at home.
I apologize I would have to refresh my memory on exactly how the interactions worked between the versions. But if you really want to upgrade to gimbal version 1.25, I will make sure it can be safely done as a single file update and provide some instructions.
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To update drone FW you need the Typhoon H GUI. There is a menu item for FW update.
Here is a short description on page 1 how to update FC firmware (autopilot):

The FW tool (for Windows 64bit) is here:


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