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breeze camera

  1. P

    Servo melted after internal humming and detectable heat.

    Anyones Breeze suffered the same? I had noticed a humming sound from day one.(used drone purchase) and the camera angle never worked. Someone had 3 B and 1 A props. So awaited the props to arrive. Got em and it flys perfectly but the humming went away with no camera angle function. Opened it...
  2. J

    BAD batteries & camera quit paning

    Been very disappointed with this product. Bought it about 8 months ago. Camera no longer pans up & down. Both batteries no longer charge. Wtf Yuneec? Paid about what I can buy a DJI Spark for now. This POS product doesn’t even compare to DJI products. Save your $$ and don’t purchase this crap...