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  1. P

    Good News -> MAJOR Update for Typhoon H expected on January 1st

    On Thursday, I attended the 2017 PhotoPlus expo, where Yuneec was an exhibitor. I asked the representative at the booth about upcoming software updates for the H, specifically ones bringing some of the H520 features to the H. He told me that they are not promising anything yet, but to expect...
  2. prathbun

    UAV "Expo" In Central Oregon

    The management at my local airport has expressed an interest in hosting a UAV/RC "expo" sometime this summer. Is there anybody out there interested in participating and/or helping to produce an event such as this? We're thinking in terms of having hobbyists, photographers, commercial users...
  3. D

    Typhoon H control issue

    Hello and Merry Christmas Everyone. My H has a real control issue on the right hand stick. Regardless of the position of the rabbit/ turtle slider, the model moves in a jumpy increment of about 3 ft. and will continue that until the stick neutralizes. It is like a very flat expo curve at neutral...