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Camera repair

Jun 8, 2016
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I have been having some issues with my footage looking slanted every once in a while and I thought it had something to do with the gimbal calibration.
When I would come out of a turn, the video footage would look slightly sloped and then it would level out very slowly.
After this, I also noticed that the gimbal frame was tilted.
I am not sure how this happened, but I am hoping to fix it.
I bought the drone back in the middle of June, however I sent my camera in to Yuneec to be refocused back in Oct. They just went ahead and sent me a whole new camera.
However, now my drone's warranty just expired and it is no longer covered.
How hard is it to repair the gimbal frame?
Where can I find replacement parts?

The drone has never crashed.


  • Photo Dec 31, 10 43 46 PM.jpg
    Photo Dec 31, 10 43 46 PM.jpg
    1.1 MB · Views: 20
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Also, is this missing 2 damper pins?
The two opposing corner dampers have some sort of pin in it, but the other 2 do not.
I would prefer to fix it myself, however how much do repairs like this usually cost if I were to send it in to Yuneec?


  • Photo Dec 31, 10 59 38 PM.jpg
    Photo Dec 31, 10 59 38 PM.jpg
    966.3 KB · Views: 13
  • Photo Dec 31, 11 00 01 PM.jpg
    Photo Dec 31, 11 00 01 PM.jpg
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Okay, I found this video and it does state that only 2 pins are normal.
I may have to try calling Yuneec.

Again, has anyone else ever had this issue?
The 2 pins is all that is on the gimbal mount... that is normal. From what you've described, you may only have one loose gimbal
dampener... if that is the case, no parts are needed. Do a YouTube search on repairing a CGO3 gimbal mount... resetting the
dampeners in the mount is not hard. Whatever Yuneec charges for that repair, it is too much... not for something you should
be able to tackle.
it looks like one of the rubber dampener have come loose. It's about a 2 min job to fix it. You just need to snap the dust cover off, (that's the part you are holding it by. You can carefully remove it. Then you'll see that one of the rubber dampeners has come loose. Just push it back in, snap the dust cover back on and you're good to go.
From what I have found so far, everything is on reassembly.
How do you remove the pins?
You shouldn't have to remove the pins, but you would have to squeeze the ends so that the washer can come off.
Thanks for the help!
I was able to fix it!
Thanks again!!!
Thanks for the help!
I was able to fix it!
Thanks again!!!
So, are you saying that your footage is fixed as well? You didnt experience the slope in your footage after repair?

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