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Drone is connected to another controller

doesnt help
i dont know too

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There is a recessed reset button on the side near the SD card slot. Hold the button in and power on the aircraft. Continue holding the button in for 20 seconds after the drone finishes booting. Cycle power and try binding.

This should reset the WiFi.
Password is good, i explain my situation better…

My problem is that I can connect to the drone's Wi-Fi, but the app tells me the drone is controlled by another controller. When I tried the Yuneec Breeze app, it showed me the video feed from the drone's camera! Also, when I used the Yuneec Pilot app and pressed the record button on the controller, it started recording, and when I connected the drone to my PC, the video was there. However, the drone cannot be controlled, and the video feed does not appear in the Yuneec Pilot app.
Password is good, i explain my situation better…

My problem is that I can connect to the drone's Wi-Fi, but the app tells me the drone is controlled by another controller. When I tried the Yuneec Breeze app, it showed me the video feed from the drone's camera! Also, when I used the Yuneec Pilot app and pressed the record button on the controller, it started recording, and when I connected the drone to my PC, the video was there. However, the drone cannot be controlled, and the video feed does not appear in the Yuneec Pilot app.
Are you using the same phone you used the last time the system worked?
Have you tried uninstalling the APP and reinstalling it?

Have you tried installing the Mantis App on a different Smartphone?

Have you done anything between the last time the system worked and the first time it did not? This could include firmware updates to the phone of any of it's existing phone APPS, or adding new phone Apps.
no, the phone was only for the drone.

dron blinks its not connected but if i go to the aplication for yuneec brezee, it show me live camera of the drone..
in yunnec pilot app it show me dron is controlled by another device
password working, if i manual connect its connect me (in breeze app for yuneec BREEZE shows up camera (camera working but i cant remote control with the breeze app) i installed only to the test if the wifi work but yes, work so i unninstall it and the yunnec pilot app doesnt working (dron is connected but show only drone controlled by anmother device) (it doesnt by the app breeze but the problem i have all time...) any ideas?
I have a question about this. The password on the sticker is the password for the drone in the APP, correct? So what do you do, if you lose the sticker and/or forget the password? Is there a way to fully reset these tiny door stops?
I only ask because I purchased a closeout deal from a repair shop here, and I have a couple of hundred of these little things.
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