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Electromagnetic field measures

Jul 6, 2017
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I have recently downloaded an app a that measures approximately the electromagnetic field in the area. Someone has a table which explains how much is (more or less) the max electromagnetic field with whom the breeze should take off correctly?
I highly doubt anyone has this kind of information apart from Yuneec's R&D depts. I think that best use for it is to use an app like that to see how bad the field has to be for the drone to report false sensor output, but that's only possible with the models that have GUI, so Q500 and H480.

What is the name of the app?
If your are referring to the "KP Index"
There are many FREE apps out there for both Android and Istore that will provide this for your given location.
It is a good number to know BEFORE you go to fly. Too high of a number you could loose GPS lock, or have your WiFi distance decrease significantly.
See these post:
Just how important is the KP index
Fly away posssibility today!!

Most of us worry when it hits 5 or more.
It is NOT something to take lightly.
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If your are referring to the "KP Index"
There are many FREE apps out there for both Android and Istore that will provide this for your given location.
It is a good number to know BEFORE you go to fly. Too high of a number you could loose GPS lock, or have your WiFi distance decrease significantly.
See these post:
Just how important is the KP index
Fly away posssibility today!!

Most of us worry when it hits 5 or more.
It is NOT something to take lightly.
I use an app that tells me the electromagnetic field thanks to the compass on the ipad
For example in my home now i have 50uT

I'll try the one you have written about the KP index

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