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Gimble damper help.. How many clips do you have?

Aug 2, 2016
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Having turned my 'thing' upside down to insert the card into the camera, I noticed for the first time that there are only two washered clips (pins) holding the gimble damper together, positioned diagonally. All four rubbers are there. Can I just ask everyone if this is the same on theirs just to ascertain if I have lost a couple or not? Many thanks in advance for reading/responding. Cheers, Chris.
Yes two but i wonder why, recently had two mishaps not serious but enough to dislodge the camera, both times resulting in loss of gymbal dampers, I did not lose the pins but lost the little plastic washer from the top pf the pins hence loss of dampers, are they made in such a cheap and nasty way for a reason (breakable links) to prevent more serious damage or just a bad design fault? and why two why not four? if ive lost some surely it means more are needed. I would like to know because im in the process of sourcing some metal pins with more reliable washers.
Yes two but i wonder why, recently had two mishaps not serious but enough to dislodge the camera, both times resulting in loss of gymbal dampers, I did not lose the pins but lost the little plastic washer from the top pf the pins hence loss of dampers, are they made in such a cheap and nasty way for a reason (breakable links) to prevent more serious damage or just a bad design fault? and why two why not four? if ive lost some surely it means more are needed. I would like to know because im in the process of sourcing some metal pins with more reliable washers.

I've called Yuneec USA about the about a week ago and they said 4 would make it too rigid.

I'd definitely agree with them. When gimbals first came onto the market, that was the main problem with them; they were too rigid and would translate into some strange things in the video ('jello' was one of them).

Don't use 4. Just be more careful how you fly, where you fly, and how you land. 2 is definitely enough.

I don't know if you've ever heard of 'shear pins' in some mechanical equipment (I grew up on a farm) and those shear pins were designed to shear before major damage was done to the equipment.

So, just like you stated, they probably are there to help prevent more serious damage.

In my opinion, if you try to change how the setup is now, you could be asking for major heartache later. Don't do it.

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I've called Yuneec USA about the about a week ago and they said 4 would make it too rigid.

I'd definitely agree with them. When gimbals first came onto the market, that was the main problem with them; they were too rigid and would translate into some strange things in the video ('jello' was one of them).

Don't use 4. Just be more careful how you fly, where you fly, and how you land. 2 is definitely enough.

abinder is right. I've noticed some folks who lost the clips simply use a wire tie, maybe a piece of mono line. They only serve to help keep the cam with the drone in a crash that dislodges the cam. Note that a kit with more rubber shocks and 2 clips/washers is cheap if you want OEM.
I've called Yuneec USA about the about a week ago and they said 4 would make it too rigid.

I'd definitely agree with them. When gimbals first came onto the market, that was the main problem with them; they were too rigid and would translate into some strange things in the video ('jello' was one of them).

Don't use 4. Just be more careful how you fly, where you fly, and how you land. 2 is definitely enough.

I don't know if you've ever heard of 'shear pins' in some mechanical equipment (I grew up on a farm) and those shear pins were designed to shear before major damage was done to the equipment.

So, just like you stated, they probably are there to help prevent more serious damage.

In my opinion, if you try to change how the setup is now, you could be asking for major heartache later. Don't do it.

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Im an engineer so i understand the concecpt of shear pins, and i understand the fact that the gymbals can be too ridgid, what i dont understand is the cheap and nasty materials the drop pins are made of, which means if the drone is shocked the washer flys off the pin so in effect the drop pin has failed to do its job, maybe the damper is lost,the drop pin is reusable because it is captive but you have to buy one set of dampers and two drop pins and two washers.

I now have 9 spare dampers, i have to now buy a further set because the washers/drop pins are not available seperatly does this make any sense at all except to make money, seems almost like planned obselescence, make a profit from a captive market, the fact that they are cheap (I wouldnt call £15 cheap for a few bits of rubber) is immaterial, three knocks = 2 props (ok np) 3 sets of dampers = £45, and now 12 dampers spare.

Also i fail to see how four pins would make it any more ridgid than two, its not as if they are tight fitting they are about 1 or 2 mm in a 5 mm hole, like i say you cannot lose the drop pins just the washer off the top.
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